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Nivel cariera: 
calatorie la Bruxelles + un e-reader
07 May 2014 - 11 May 2014

Concurs de eseuri: What does an enlarged EU mean to you?

In contextul aniversarii a 10 ani de la cea mai mare extindere a UE, Comisia Europeana organizeaza un concurs de eseuri intitulat What does an enlarged EU mean to you? Participa cu un eseu pana pe 11 mai si poti castiga un e-reader si o calatorie la Bruxelles.

In this year, 2014, the European Union celebrates an important anniversary which is an occasion to reflect on the achievements in European integration until now. It is ten years since the biggest round of enlargement of the European Union (EU) with the accession of ten new countries: Estonia, Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Hungary, Slovenia, Malta, and Cyprus.

Today, the EU perspective is open to Serbia, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Iceland, Kosovo, Montenegro, and Turkey. The European Commission is keen to learn more about what you think about what can today’s European Union of 28 Member States learn from its past to help improve its future; and what does an enlarged European Union mean to you. Share your views on one or both questions in an article (max 700 words) or in up to three blog features/articles (max 700 words altogether) and win some great prizes.

The competition is open to citizens of the 28 Member States of the EU (Portugal, Spain, France, Ireland, UK, Belgium, Netherlands, Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Finland, Estonia,  Latvia, Lithuania, Poland, Slovakia, Czech Republic, Austria, Italy, Slovenia, Croatia, Hungary, Romania, Bulgaria, Malta, and Cyprus) or the Balkans (Turkey, Serbia, Albania, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Macedonia, Kosovo, and Montenegro).

The participants must be between 15 and 25 years old. The entries will be split in two categories: 15-18 and 19-25 years old.

The winner of each category will receive a color e-reader and two people will be awarded a trip to Brussels to take part in the award ceremony, visit EU institutions and a tour around the city. Travel, meals and accommodation costs will be covered.

The deadline for submissions is 11 May 2014 (either electronic delivery or registered post mail).

You can submit your entry by email sending your entry as an attachment to; or by post sending your entry to:

Media Consulta International Holding AG
Attn: Rachel Harding
Wassergasse 3
10197 Berlin

For further information, please visit the official website


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