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Nivel cariera: 
Premii in valoare totala de 5500 de euro
25 Jun 2014 - 30 Sep 2014

Concurs de fotografie: „Environment & Me”

O noua competitie lansata de Agentia Europeana de Mediu invita fotografii -  atat profesionisti cat si amatori – sa imortalizeze ce inseamna mediul inconjurator pentru ei. Participantii pot castiga premii in bani iar fotografiile lor ar putea fi folosite pentru a comunica diferitele probleme de mediu din rapoartele Agentiei. Termenul limita pentru aplicatii este 30 septembrie 2014.

The "Environment & Me" competition covers a huge variety of topics – indeed, anything related to the environment. For example, photographs could illustrate a pollution problem or the beauty of wildlife. Others may take a different angle, looking at unsustainable consumption, a changing landscape or some positive action to reduce environmental impact.

These are just a few options – there are many other ways of showing what Europe’s environment means to you. Participants can find inspiration in the topic areas covered by the EEA website.

The pictures may be used to illustrate environmental issues in EEA publications, including the 2015 edition of the EEA’s flagship State of the Environment Report (SOER), published every five years.

The overall winner will receive € 2000, while second and third prize winners will receive € 1 500 and € 1 000 respectively. Two prizes of € 500 will also be awarded – one to the best photograph from a participant between 18 and 24 years old, and one for the winner of the public choice award, which will be decided by online vote.

The deadline for entries is 30 September 2014.


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