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Prof. Dr. Steven Jacobs, Universitatea din Ghent, coordoneaza un proiect finantat de Research Foundation Flanders despre istoria, teoria si estetica artei filmelor documentare. Tinerii cu studii de master in domeniile: Istoria Artei sau Filmografie sunt invitati sa aplice pentru programul de doctorat. Bursa consta intr-un salariu lunar de doctorat, stabilit ulterior. Interval de timp - 4 ani. Deadline pentru aplicatii: 14 februarie 2014.
Prof. Dr. Steven Jacobs (Ghent University) is supervising a research project, funded by the Research Foundation Flanders, on the history, theory, and aesthetics of art documentaries. This project particularly focuses on films made in the 1940s and 1950s by European directors such as Luciano Emmer, Alain Resnais, Henri Storck, and Paul Haesaerts, who turned the contemplation of art into a thrilling cinematic experience and developed new models of art historical scholarship. On the one hand, the project investigates the aesthetics of these highly experimental art documentaries and studies the specific film styles and editing patterns that thematize the relation between cinema and visual arts. On the other hand, it situates the films in a broader cultural and social context. The project will explore, for instance, the often overlooked institutional background of these films, in particular the FIFA (Fédération International du Film sur l’Art), which was founded in 1948 and involved the participation of leading filmmakers, producers, and museum officials. An introduction to the theme of the research project can be found in the chapter “Camera and Canvas: Emmer, Storck, Resnais and the Post-War Art Film,” in Framing Pictures: Film and the Visual Arts (Edinburgh University Press, 2011) by Steven Jacobs.
Job Description
+Writing a PhD thesis within a time span of 4 years starting between June and September 2014, on an art documentary-related topic under the primary supervision of Prof. Dr. Steven Jacobs.
+Offering research assistance to a book on post-war European art documentaries written by Steven Jacobs.
+Submitting research results for publication in peer-reviewed academic journals and presenting papers at international conferences.
+Assisting in some teaching activities and organizational support for undergraduate courses at the Department of Art, Music, and Theater Studies, Ghent University (Belgium).
+The project, which is funded by the Research Foundation Flanders (FWO), starts between June and September 2014.
+The position is a four-year full-time appointment (48 months) at Ghent University, Belgium.
+The researcher will be a member of the Department of Art, Music, and Theater Studies and will be enrolled as a PhD student at the Doctoral School for Arts, Humanities, and Law of Ghent University.
+The researcher will receive a monthly PhD salary/study grant.
The applicant has a Master’s or equivalent degree in Art History or Film Studies, and has obtained this degree no longer than five years ago.
The applicant’s CV illustrates familiarity with at least one of the topics mentioned below:
+the history of experimental film and/or documentary cinema
+the relation between film and the visual arts
+the historiography of art history
+the relations between art and media
The applicant has excellent writing skills in English and a reading competence in several European languages (preferably French and/or Italian).
The applicant is able to work both independently and as part of a team.
Interested candidates are invited to send an application as a PDF file including a cover letter, a curriculum vitae, and some writing samples before 14 February 2014.
Please address the file to Steven Jacobs, E-mail: Steven.Jacobs@UGent.be
For more information, please contact Steven Jacobs.
Website: http://www.ugent.be/en/vacancies/scientific/phd-position
Email: Steven.Jacobs@UGent.be
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