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Agentia Europeana de Mediu a lansat premiul european Soundscape 2014 cu scopul de a creste gradul de constientizare asupra impactului zgomotului asupra sanatatii si cu scopul de a premia initiativele europene care pot contribui la reducerea zgomotului in exces. Orice produs, campanie, sistem inovator sau solutie creativa pusa in aplicare pana la 1 august 2014 poate fi premiata. Data limita pana la care se pot trimite aplicatiile este 18 august, ora 17.00 Central European Time (CET).
Applications for this award must be submitted electronically to europeansoundscapeaward@eea.europa.eu and follow the criteria as set out below.
Eligibility Criteria
Submissions may be received for any activity, work or initiative in the field of noise control or soundscape management that was carried out up to 1st August 2014.
The European Environment Agency understands that this type of work takes time to design and implement and, most importantly, to review and measure impact.
EEA welcomes re-submissions of entries from previous years.
If the initiative you wish to submit has taken place over a longer time period than outlined above, please contact europeansoundscapeaward@eea.europa.eu for more information.
Judging Criteria - Your submission should describe:
- The nature of the noise issue or problem
- The approach taken to understanding the issue or problem
- A description of the solution or initiative
- Evidence of the impact and result of the solution or initiative
Submissions will also be judged on the degree to which they demonstrate:
- Community co-operation
- Noise education
- Creative solutions
- Cost effectiveness
- Potential for replication in other countries.
How to submit your entry
Step 1: Read through the Submission Criteria and guidelines above.
Step 2: Read the guidance on Judging Criteria set out above to give yourselves the best chance of winning the award.
Step 3: Complete and return your submission by email to: europeansoundscapeaward@eea.europa.eu with your organisation name and project title as email subject. Please note that submissions should comprise a maximum of four A4 pages when printed, although you may refer to additional internet links to support your application, should judges wish to access supplementary information. Remember to include your full contact details.
Step 4: The deadline for submissions is 17.00hrs Central European Time (CET), Monday 18th August 2014
Step 5: You will receive a confirmation of receipt of your submission by email. Where necessary, the European Environment Agency or Noise Abatement Society will contact you to clarify points or request further information to support your submission before the judging panel reviews all submissions.
Judging and results
Shortlisted projects will be notified in September and invited to attend the European Soundscape Awards Ceremony in October, where the winner will be announced and the award presented.
Surse: eurodesk.ro si eea.europa.eu