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Joi, 18 aprilie, de la ora 17.00, la Universitatea de Arte „George Enescu” din Iasi – Sala Studio a Facultatii de Interpretare si Studii Muzicale Teoretice – vor avea loc o conferinta, un recital de pian si o lansare de carte.
Conferinta sustinuta de prof. Ian Finlay de la Universitatea Oxford, are tema: Creative Arts and Disengaged Youth, recitalul de pian va fi sustinut de lect.univ.dr. Brandusa Tudor, iar lansarea cartii Invatare si profesionalizare in domeniul didactic, o are ca autor pe lect.univ.dr. Mihaela Mitescu Lupu.
Ian Finlay is a Supernumery Fellow of Harris Manchester College. He has worked in teacher education at all levels from primary through to higher education for the past 20 years. His main interests are in teaching and learning and educational policy and leadership.
His first degree was in social sciences and his masters and doctorate are in educational research. His current research interests are in the education of disadvantaged young people and how those learning to teach link research and practice. He was a visiting lecturer at the University of Hamburg in 1992 and a visiting research fellow in the Department of Education here in Oxford during Trinity Term 2008. He moved to Oxford from the University of Strathclyde in 2010. (sursa)