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JUGEND für Europa a lansat un call pentru tinerii europeni de a participa la conferinta internationala Greenhouse for Inclusion & Participation intre 5-9 mai 2014 in Berlin, Germania. Aplicatiile pot fi trimise pana pe 16 martie 2014.
The Project Greenhouse for Inclusion & Participation is an exciting opportunity to develop political participation projects with young people with fewer opportunities, esp. in the new STRATEGIC PARTNERSHIPS (Key Action 2) within YOUTH IN ACTION (Erasmus+).
Inclusion of young people with fewer opportunities and political participation are two important features in the new EU-Programme Erasmus+: YOUTH IN ACTION. As true democratic participation has the power to give a voice to all young people, but youngsters with fewer opportunities are still underrepresented in participation projects, the TC focuses on this overall challenge: How to involve young people with fewer opportunities in participation projects? How to give all young people a role in the design and implementation of projects and policies?
This project is financed by the Programme Erasmus+: YOUTH IN ACTION. Being selected for this seminar, all costs (accommodation, travel, visa, etc.) relevant to participation in the seminar will be covered by the National Agencies (NAs) or SALTOs involved in this project - except a participation fee which varies from call to call and country to country. Please contact your NA to learn more about the financial details, and how to arrange the booking of your travel tickets and the reimbursement of your travel expenses.
Mai multe detalii despre proiect si modalitatea de aplicare: aici.
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