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Nivel cariera: 
Experienta Internationala
21 Mar 2014 - 25 Mar 2014

Voices of Young Refugees in Strasbourg

Voices Of Young Refugees In Europe este o retea internationala care se concentreaza din 2008 asupra incluziunii tinerilor refugiati. Conferinta de anul acesta va dezbate tematica Contributiei Refugiatilor la Cetatenia Democratica si va avea loc intre 11-18 mai la Strasbourg, Franta. Sesiunile de studiu urmaresc sa foloseasca arta de a spune povesti drept instrument pentru a incuraja tinerii refugiati sa preia un rol activ in formarea societatilor europene. Pot participa tinerii intre 18 - 30 ani, rezidenti ai statelor membre ale Consiliului Europei. Deadline trimitere aplicatii: 25 martie 2014.

VYRE – Voices Of Young Refugees In Europe is an international network created by, with and for young refugees has been focusing since 2008 on the social inclusion of young refugees. This year’s topic –Refugees’ Contribution To Democratic Citizenship – seeks to promote the active participation of young refugees in shaping their European societies. The study session aims at using storytelling as a tool to empower young refugees to take an active role in shaping European societies. 

The objectives set to reach the aim are:

  • to explore the concepts of identity, citizenship and democratic citizenship in relation to young refugees in Europe;
  • to exchange experiences on the daily contributions of young refugees in shaping and changing European societies;
  • to develop participants’ competences in story-writing and storytelling through concrete workshops online before the session and on spot during the session;
  • to reflect on storytelling as a powerful tool to use with young refugees in local communities in order to motivate them to become active citizens;
  • to create a booklet with short stories by young refugees on their contribution to democratic citizenship.

Eligible to apply are residents of 47 Council of Europe member-states (exceptions will have to be discussed) who are:

  • actively involved in the subject of the study session;
  • able to work in one of the working languages (English or French);
  • motivated to actively participate and available during the whole duration of the course;
  • willing to act as multipliers and share their own experiences;
  • are between 18 and 35 years old (exceptions will have to be discussed).

  • Travel costs, accommodation and meals are fully covered. Enrollment fee for study sessions is 50€ per participant. The fee is deducted from the reimbursement of travel expenses.

Deadline for submitting the application is 25 March 2014 the latest. The applications should be sent by e-mail to The application is available HERE.

Pagina de facebook a conferintei: aici.

Formularul care trebuie completat pentru a aplica: aici.


Anunt postat de Suportis.

Suportis reprezinta un parteneriat pentru actiune, lansat cu scopul de a sustine si facilita dezvoltarea continua a tinerilor.

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