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Intre 7-13 iunie 2014 Centrul pentru Activitatea Tinerilor din Skopje, Macedonia organizeaza seminarul international Youth Unemployment, Poverty and Marginalism, care va reuni 24 tineri din Romania, Italia, Malta, Turcia, Lituania si Macedonia. Deadline aplicatii: 20 mai 2014.
A seminar for raising awareness regarding youth unemployment, poverty and marginalized in the promoter's countries and finding creative ideas for prevention of increasing and/or dealing with these issues. The project “Youth unemployment, poverty and marginalism” is a 6 day seminar which will be held in Macedonia from 7th to 13th of June 2014 connecting 24 participants.
The objectives of the seminar are:
- raising awareness and informing about the situation with the youth unemployment, poverty and marginalism in the promoter's countries;
- finding creative ideas for prevention of increasing these issues.
The goals of the project will be reached by using non-formal educational methods such as discussions in small and big groups, role plays, team building activities, simulations and interactive presentations.
After the participants will become aware of the situation each promoter’s country and are informed with statistics and details, they will work on creative solutions which will be presented by them on the public conference in front of local audience, on which will be invited representatives from ministries, local authorities, mayors and representatives from municipalities, students and student organizations, professors, high school’s representatives, unemployed people and other local and national NGOs.
The conference will take place in Skopje as most suitable location for organizing such a big event as the biggest target group is located exactly in the capital, in order to give the possibility to the wider audience. The conference will be held on the last day of the activities of this seminar as closing of the project. The day before the conference the 24 participants will make a tour in several bigger and smaller cities where they will inform about the results from their work by spreading printed version of it and/or making presentation on info stands at faculties, main squares, municipalities with purpose to reach even bigger audience.
The entire conference and info events will be recorded by NGO Television of Youth4Media Network with possibility for live broadcast.
According to the rules of the Youth in Action Programme, travel costs will be reimbursed up to 70% during the seminar in cash or after the seminar by bank transfer.
Please, be informed that 70% of your travel expenses will be covered just in the case that you will provide us original travel tickets (bus, train), invoices and your boarding passes.
In the case that you will not provide the original tickets, invoices and boarding passes your travel expenses will be not covered.
The travel costs will not be reimbursed in case that the participants will not take active part in project's sessions.
Limits per person per country: Turkey - 300 EUR; Italy - 400 EUR; Romania - 300 EUR; Malta - 550 EUR; Lithuania - 450 EUR.
Contact for questions:
E-Mail: center4youth.activity@gmail.com
Phone: +38978345700
Anunt postat de Suportis.
Suportis reprezinta un parteneriat pentru actiune, lansat cu scopul de a sustine si facilita dezvoltarea continua a tinerilor.