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M100 Tanarul Jurnalist European, orasul Potsdam si Potsdam Media International e.V. le ofera tinerilor jurnalisti oportunitatea de a castiga acces direct la personalitati media de top din intreaga Europa, inclusiv dni tari non-UE. Workshop-ul se adreseaza unei generatii tinere de jurnalisti si editori, cu varsta cuprinsa intre 18 si 26 de ani, din toata Europa, inclusiv din state non-UE. Update: in 2014, workshop-ul va avea loc intre 8 si 13 septembrie, data limita pana la care se poate aplica este 23 iunie.
Workshop-ul, pe langa faptul ca se axeaza pe chestiuni practice si teoretice legate de domeniul jurnalistic, incearca sa genereze legaturi pe termen lung si contacte intre participanti.
Conditions of participation:
Young journalists between 18 and 26 years old from all over Europe (including non-EU countries) can apply bysubmitting a text in English (1.000 signs maximum) and the following task: "Data and Journalism in my country". Describe your own experiences, your knowledge and your personal data handling; what you are associating with data, if and how you are using them in your (journalistic) work, if you see more advantages or disadvantages in using data and what significance the issue "Big Data" has in your country.
Please include a brief CV (with a photo) and motivational statement in your application, stating your reasons for applying for this particular workshop (both in English). 20 to 25 participants will be selected from among the applicants and invited to Potsdam from 7 September (arrival) to 14 September 2014 (departure). The organisers of the M100 Young European Journalists Workshop will cover accommodation and board during the workshop. A travel allowance is provided. The workshop will be held in English.
Candidaturile se trimit la s.sasse@m100potsdam.org.
Documente utile: M100 Sanssouci Colloquium
M100 Sanssouci-Colloquium
Potsdam Media International e.V.
Hegelallee 6 - 10
Potsdam, Germany
D - 14467
Tel: +49.331.2010-100
Fax: +49.331.2010-111
Email: contact@m100potsdam.org
Sursa: eurodesk.ro si m100potsdam.de