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Artistii video si new media din toata lumea sunt invitati sa-si trimita lucrarile la a doua editie a festivalului arta video danubeVIDEOART care se va desfasura in luna octombrie in Stadtkino Grein, Austria. Termenul limita pentru trimiterea lucrarilor este 31 august, data postei. Premiul castigatorului este de 1000 de euro.
Entry Form (.pdf), Regulations (.pdf), Entry Form (.doc)
There is no theme, but the work(s) must be defined as videoart by the artist.
The duration of video works are max. 10 minutes and have to be completed after 1 January 2011.
All entries, maximum of 3, have to have an acceptable screening quality and be suitable to show as a single-channel projection.
The video must be submitted in DVD (PAL) format or as video file. We can’t offer online entries. Please, send your DVD’s in simple paper sleeves.
danubeVIDEOARTfestival offers full 3D-Projektion (Stereoscopic). Please, send your 3D-Videos in dcp.
If there is dialogue in the video(s) and it is not in English or German it must be subtitled.
Only entries with filled in and signed Entry form will be accepted.
Please also send the filled Entry form with 2 video stills (.jpeg) and optional information to: danubevideoartfestival@gmail.com
The work(s) will not be returned.
There is no entry fee and we cannot offer any payment for screened works.
Artist helds exclusive copyright on submitted videowork(s).
The artist agrees that danubeVIDEOARTfestival is allowed to use the work(s) for promoting and advertising purpose. The artist also agrees to let danubeVIDEOARTfestival keep a copy of the work(s) for a video archive to be used for other non-commercial screenings/events. The participant will be informed in advance.
More informations on: danubevideoartfestival.wordpress.com
Please send your Artwork(s) to:
Roland Wegerer
St. Nikola Nr. 1
4381 St. Nikola an der Donau