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Asociatia SUPER TINERI ASIRYS cauta 4 participanti pentru schimbul de tineri "Health in Everyday Living", proiect finantat de Programul Tineret in Actiune (70% din transport decontat, 100% cazare, masa, materiale asigurate de organizatori). Proiectul va avea loc in localitatea Kobuleti, pe malul Marii Negre, in Georgia, in perioada 24-31 octombrie.
Asociatia SUPER TINERI nu percepe niciun fel de taxa pentru proiectele internationale in care trimite participanti.
Criteriile de selectie:
- 18-30 de ani;
- Dorinta de implicare activa!
Daca esti intresat/a scrie-ne cat mai repede pe adresa voluntarasirys@gmail.com.
Youth Center of Georgia is non-governmental, non-political and non profit-making youth organization. YCG focuses on national and international networking among young people, students, trainers and teachers of different nationalities, cultures and backgrounds.The mission of organization is to develop non-formal education, foster democracy, human rights, to develop solidarity and tolerance among young people and to promote unified Europe without prejudices. The objective is to encourage young people to reflect on European topics. An important priority for YCG is actively involve young people in their daily life and to give access to all people, including young people with fewer opportunities and the respect for cultural diversity together with the fight against racism and xenophobia.
The project "Health in Everyday Living” aims to exchange experiences on drug abuse, alcohol and smoking in the European Union and protecting youth from harmful effects of this disastrous. A particular emphasis will be put on educational learning programme on healthy lifestyle, better work productivity and establishing future cooperation between youth workers and practitioners in youth field to develop ideas for future projects. The project fosters young people's sense of European citizenship and helps them to understand their role as a part of the present and the future of Europe. It makes an important input to the acquisition through non-formal learning as well as to the promotion of young people's active citizenship in society. Youth Exchange will be based on the principles of non-formal education, interactive activities, experiential learning and creativity. Inputs and discussions in working groups, workshops, role-plays and outdoor activities are some of the methods that will provide further knowledge and understanding of this issue. Young people from 9 countries, from EU (LT, LV, CZ, RO) + programme country Turkey and promoters from Easter partnership countries (Georgia, Azerbaijan, Ukraine, Armenia) will gather in Bakuriani, Georgia from 24-31/10/2013 in order to receive an educational programme on specific topic.
This project provides information how youth can make an educated choice. During YE participants will have the opportunity to share their experience at European level, presenting tools and approaches to deal with unhealthy life. Engagement of youth in positive public health outcomes involves providing the opportunity for young people to gain the ability and authority to make decisions that help improve the policy environment, change social norms and consumption in their communities.
During the project we expect participants to make posters with a newly conducted campaign for promotion of one of the Youth in Action Programme.
Mai multe detalii despre proiect se gasesc aici.
Sursa: asirys.blogspot.it