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Parlamentul European cauta artisti pentru a participa la European Youth Event 2014. Prezentarile lor in domeniul muzicii, dansului, acrobatiei sau orice isi doresc ei sa propuna nu trebuie sa depaseasca 10-15 minute. Deadline aplicatie: 1 februarie 2014.
One of the core ideas of the event is to encourage young participants to actively participate in the EYE programme and its delivery as much as possible. There are three ways to actively participate in the EYE 2014:
Apply to stage an artistic performance - be it music, dance, acrobatics, sketches or anything else you might want to propose. A selection of the applicants will be able to perform during the days of the event on a stage provided by the EYE2014. In order to be able to put up a diverse programme, the performance shouldn't exceed 10 to 15 minutes of length. Please check the link below to download the application form.
If you want to apply, please fill in the form in every part and send it back by the 01/02/2014 at 00.00 CET to eye@europarl.europa.eu
Who can register?
Young Europeans from Member States, candidate states and neighbourhood countries aged between 16 and 30 years.
Due to the specific nature of the activities, only group reservations can be accepted. The minimum group size is 10.
Every group needs to have a group leader, who will take responsibility for the group's registration process, logistics, programme and accommodation.
He is the contact person between the group and the event's organization. The group leader will have full responsibility of minor group members and has to verify the legislation in his or her country concerning parents' written authorization and health insurance. Group leaders must be EU nationals, be at least 18 years old on the fist day of the event and may be older than 30 years old.
Interested groups of young people can register either for the whole three-day event or for individual days. On Friday, besides the regular programme, there will be additional activities targeted at school groups.
There will be two phases of registration. In the first phase, group leaders will be able to apply to participate in the event through an online registration system. In the second phase individual participants in a group will be signed up for programme activities.
In the new year group leaders will be informed of when and how to register their individual participants for programme activities. Details will also be posted on this website.
There is no fee for attending the EYE 2014 event. However, participants will need to cover their own transport, accommodation and meals.
Due to the large number of applications, the final approval/rejection of your group will be known and communicated only in the following weeks. You will be notified about the decision by email.
Anunt postat de Suportis.