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Comisia Fulbright Romano-Americana anunta deschiderea competitiei pentru obtinerea unei burse pentru vara anului 2014, in cadrul programului Summer Institute for European Student Leaders on Environmental Stewardship. Bursa este de cinci saptamani si se adreseaza studentilor inscrisi la studii de licenta care nu se afla in ani terminali. Deadline inscrieri: 16 martie 2014.
The Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission announces the competition for the Summer Institutes for European Student Leaders, a five-week academic program for young people pursuing post-secondary education. The Institutes are an all-expense paid program, including meals, transportation, books, tickets to cultural events, and more. Participants will be enrolled in ASPE, the Bureau's Accident Sickness Program for Exchanges, and will receive a stipend of $15/day to cover incidentals.
Students in the Summer Institutes for European Student Leaders on Environmental Stewardship will participate in an intensive program designed to provide a keen understanding of environmental stewardship, community service, and American culture. Students will gain an appreciation for the responsible use and protection of the natural environment through conservation and sustainable practices. The program will be interactive and experiential, with field trips to outdoor research facilities and opportunities for classroom discussion. Students will leave the program with a willingness to put newly-gained knowledge to practical use. All activities will support student work on projects that will deepen students’ understanding of issues of environmental stewardship. Students should be prepared to be busy, work hard, and have a lot of fun. Students will have the opportunity to join in the celebration of American Independence Day and observe the local parade and fireworks display as well as participate in a variety of other leisure activities such as a baseball game, a canoe trip, movies, games, and visits to the KSU student recreation facilities. More than just a cultural exchange program, students can expect the Summer Institute for European Student Leaders on Environmental Stewardship to prepare them to lead the way to a more sustainable future.
Topic: Environmental Stewardship
Grant duration: 5 weeks, summer of 2014.
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
• have Romanian citizenship and study in Romania;
• be able to participate in the program in its entirety;
• be at least 18 years of age by the start of the program;
• be enrolled in undergraduate programs at universities, with at least one year of undergraduate study remaining;
• be conversant in English;
• be committed to returning to their home country to continue study at a post-secondary institution in the fall of 2014;
• have a high level of academic achievement, as indicated by academic grades, awards, and teacher recommendations;
• have had no or extremely limited study or travel experience in the United States;
• be mature, responsible, independent, and open-minded;
• be able to participate in any pre-departure information sessions held by the Fulbright Commission;
• be willing to honor all campus housing agreements and regulations related to living arrangements;
• be willing and able to participate fully in the Institute academic program, including attending all sessions, arriving to class on time, completing all assignments, and contributing to classroom discussions;
• be willing and able to participate fully in all cultural programs and volunteer activities; and
• be prepared to submit a report to the Fulbright Commission on their program experience.
Each applicant will be required to submit:
• an application form to be downloaded from:
• academic transcripts for undergraduate level, accompanied by English translations.
NOTE: The application includes the reference form to be completed by two evaluators.
Applications are to be sent to office@fulbright.ro no later than: March 16, 2014.
For further details, please send your inquiries to office@fulbright.ro
Suportis este un parteneriat pentru actiune, lansat cu scopul de a sustine si a facilita dezvoltarea continua a tinerilor.