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Experienta internationala
26 Feb 2014 - 05 Mar 2014

6 luni in Grecia

Asociatia Tinerii 3D recruteaza voluntari pentru proiectele derulate de partenerii lor greci prin programul EVS (Serviciul European de Voluntariat). Daca te intereseaza un stagiu de 6 luni in Grecia, trimite un email la in care sa atasezi CV-ul (preferabil Europass) si o scrisoare de intentie, pana pe 5 martie.

Let’s play together in the kindergarten of Velo-Vocha
Activity start: 05th September, 2014 Duration of the project: 6 months, Location: Velo-Vocha Municipality, Corinthian region
The voluntary work takes place in kindergartens of Municipality of Velo-Vocha which host children in between 2- 5 years old. Our motivation to host EVS volunteers is the support and help in the every day work of the kindergarten. This includes helping in the fine-art workshop, painting lessons, theatrical workshop, playing games with the children, to take part in the workshop in the subject of tastes (sweet, salty, bitter and sour), join the trips, excursions, helping in the kitchen of the kindergarten and helping the work of the information office of Velo.

Let’s play together in the kindergarten of Xylokastro-Evrostini
Activity start: 05th September, 2014 Duration of the project: 6 months. Location: Xylokastro-Evrostini Municipality, Corinthian region

Centre of creative work with children (Municipality of Xylokastro-Evrostini)
Duration of the project: 6 months; activity start: 01 July and 05/September, 2014 Location: Xylokastro-Evrostini Municipality, Corinthian region

Informative activities and equal opportunities
Activity start: 01 /July, 2014. Duration of the project: 6 months. Location: Xylokastro-Evrostini and Velo-Vocha Municipalities, Corinthian region
This project takes place in the youth information offices of the organization in Xylokastro-Evrostini and Velo-Vocha municipalities. Through these offices we want to show the possibilities to the young people of the region age between 16-30. Our aim with this activity is to provide an informal intercultural learning experience, encouraging their social integration, active participation, increasing their employability and giving them opportunities to show solidarity with youth from different countries.

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