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Youth Organization din Senta organizeaza trainingul SEE(E) – Creativity, Empowerment, Employability, Entrepreneurship care va avea loc intre 22-30 martie 2014 in Senta, Serbia. Deadline aplicatii: 7 martie 2014.
This Training Course is for 30 participants from Albania, France, Italy, Macedonia, Former Yugoslav Republic of, Romania, Serbia, Spain, Turkey.
Training course on fostering creativity and entrepreneurship of young people in order to support their empowerment and employability.
The overall aim of the training course is to foster understanding of youth workers, youth leaders on
importance of creativity and entrepreneurship of young people in nowadays’ societies. To share and develop methods and tools in order to enhance the creativity of young people in sports, in arts, in communication, in intercultural learning, etc. To practice empowerment of young people in order to make them aware of their own values and competences. To support them exploring their own personalities and strengths in order to realize what they need to improve or how they can be the best in the certain field. To give them guidelines in order to become employee or even an employer.
Learning objectives of the training course are:
- To get acquainted with the term “Creativity and entrepreneurship” according to the Youth Strategy “Investing and empowering young people” of European Commission and the annual priority of Youth in Action Programme and according to the key competences of Youthpass;
- To share and develop methods and tools in order to enhance the creativity of young people in sports, in arts, in communication, in intercultural learning, etc;
- To practice empowerment of young people in order to make them aware of their own values and competences.
- To be able to support young people exploring their own personalities and strengths in order to realize what they need to improve or how they can be the best in the certain field.
- To share realities, tips and hints how youth workers can give support for young people to become entrepreneur in their communities;
- To plan local and international youth projects on empowerment, creativity and entrepreneurship for, by and with young people according to the proposals of Erasmus + programme.
The training course is financed by Youth in Action Programme.
The food and accommodation will be provided and paid by the organizers.
70% of travels costs will be reimbursed by bank transfer after the course.
There is 20 EUR participation fee.
Contact for questions:
Szabolcs Soregi
E-Mail: tc.see.senta@gmail.com
Phone: +381 63 853 358 1
Anunt postat de Suportis.
Suportis reprezinta un parteneriat pentru actiune, lansat cu scopul de a sustine si facilita dezvoltarea continua a tinerilor.