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Centrul pentru Dezvoltarea Relatiilor Internationale din Causeni cauta tineri pentru a participa la trainingul international CREATE and MOTIVATE care se va desfasura intre 15-22 mai in Causeni, Republica Moldova. Trainingul isi propune stimularea ambitiei si motivarii interne a tinerilor, creativitatii si antreprenoriatului. Deadline aplicatii: 30 aprilie 2014.
This Training Course is for 32 participants from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Italy, Moldova, Romania, Turkey, Ukraine.
CREATE and MOTIVATE training course aims to stimulate young people’s ambition and internal motivation, creativity and entrepreneurship in particular through youth initiatives, giving young people competencies to become a more active and informed citizen of their society. This training is going to provide skills and competencies to gain knowledge about poverty, marginalization, social inclusion, sustainable peace, human rights, anti-discrimination policies and social cohesion.
Focusing on volunteering, misperceptions and intolerances are broken down, creating a more peaceful global society. Youth workers and youth leaders will be able to strengthen their personal, social and professional abilities; to promote active participation of youth with fewer opportunities and to increase their employability through their personal empowerment.
NGO CDIR will host the TC in Causeni, Moldova from 15-05-2014 to 21-05-2014. The group formed by 24 participants from 8 different countries (EU + EECA countries) with a vast area of ethnic, religious, social, and economic backgrounds, will have the opportunity to create and motivate, to share their experiences, discover the needs of their communities, simulate realistic youth initiatives, lead and be led by each other, and learn through the use of non-formal methods: games, exercises, group presentations, workshops, role plays, open space, team building, and healthy lifestyle-promoting outdoor activities.
The participants will also have the opportunity to become acquainted with Moldova and its culture. As an outcome the participants are expected to act as multipliers of the project for greater social and community involvement in the framework of YIA Program, with the task being to raise motivation among youth; implement local and international activities for encouraging and enabling young people to behave as active, informed citizens; and utilize YIA opportunities.
Contact for questions:
Svetlana Coiceva
E-Mail: createandmotivate.moldova@gmail.com
Phone: +37379540666
Board, lodging and 70% of travel costs will be covered by programme.
Anunt postat de Suportis.
Suportis reprezinta un parteneriat pentru actiune, lansat cu scopul de a sustine si facilita dezvoltarea continua a tinerilor.