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Scrisul a fost elementul esential in ceea ce priveste dezvoltarea personala, culturala si sociala a oricarui spatiu geografic si demografic de astazi. In formele scrisului poti insera cu mare precizie diferite realitati si fictiuni deopotriva, ce pun intre ele valoarea creativitatii umane. Dar mai stim sigur, ca a scrie, este un amplu proces de comunicare, ce determina alte noi structuri culturale, de coeziune sociala, de intelegere a realitatilor curente, dar mai mult de a desemna un fel de „arta a vietii”. Fie ca vorbim de oameni, de locuri, de fapte, actiuni si demersuri inovatoare, curajoase, doar scrisul va transmite si va pune in balanta ceea ce se petrece. Din acest motiv realizarea unei reviste europene, care sa puna la dispozitia tinerilor din toata Europa o cale de a comunica si de a explica, arata si dezbate ceea ce se petrece in jurul lor, este necesara. Astfel, ASIRYS lanseaza si editeaza o revista europeana cu un nume simbolic, EUROPEAN DIGNITIES. Al treilea termen limita al anului 2014 a fost prelungit pana pe 15 octombrie. Tema editiei de toamna. Update: urmatorul DL este 25 noiembrie. Tema editiei de iarna.
EUROPEAN DIGNITIES doreste sa urmareasca cateva obiective generale. Acestea sunt:
• O crestere a participarii tinerilor la viata comunitatilor din care fac parte, prin oferirea unor abordari teoretice si exemple in acest sens;
• Promovarea valorilor europene, in special cea a democratiei participative;
• Un excelent remediu de comparatie si vizualizare a unor locuri, oameni si evenimente care au loc pe teritoriul Europei;
• Abordarea unor probleme din diferite domenii de activitate, cum ar fi: economie, cultura, sociologie, politica, arta, film etc. sub un format creativ si interactiv, construit si abordat de tineri;
• O privire de ansamblu a realitatilor sociale si intelegerea lor intr-un format comparativ, evaluativ si exemplificat in paginile unei reviste europene;
• Cunoasterea si completarea cunostintelor cu privire la diferite aspecte culturale, politice, economice etc. Intr-un format transparent, obiectiv si cat mai real;
• Oferirea unei noi dimensiuni editoriale in ceea ce priveste arta scrisului si a informarii;
• Promovarea ideilor si evenimentelor remarcate de tineri in viata de zi cu zi si in locurile unde isi petrec timpul;
• Incurajarea si crearea unui cadru de dialog interdisciplinar intre tineri din mai mule tari europene;
• Cresterea gradului de implicare si constientizare a necesitatii implicarii tinerilor in viata comunitatilor;
• Un cadru de comunicare si coeziune intre diferite comunitati, ONG-uri la nivel european;
• Dezvoltarea capitalului social, politic, economic, cultural si estetic in randul tinerilor;
• Promovarea conceptului de cetatenie activa;
• Un bun cadru de comunicare cu decidentii la nivel european si promovarea unor politici publice transparente.
The EUROPEAN DIGNITIES journal will have in its structure several sections where young people may regularly contribute with articles, photos reports, images, pictures, interviews, surveys, etc. The magazine will be published in English (for a greater accessibility to young audience in Europe) and if necessary, it can be translated into other international languages (French, Spanish).
Here are some proposals for sections:
Troubleshooters - a section dedicated to photo reports. Our desire is to promote the art of reportage among young people.
Liberal arts – this is a section dedicated to all the fine arts which are appreciated, promoted and even created by the young people. Be it film, theater, dance, sculpture, painting, it is a good opportunity of knowing and enjoying our current visual arts and more.
Urban legends – what happens in your hometown? This is the basic question one has to start from, especially the authors who want to contribute to this section. We can promote events, expositions, economic and institutional development from different cities.
Profile hunters – it is a section dedicated to the interviews, dialogues between the author and those “interesting” folks which have excelled in their work and can be taken as an example. This section requires a higher note of creativity and originality. After all, it is not just a simple classic interview but rather something distinct.
Diplomacy and culture – it is a section dedicated to both the political and the cultural space. A political and cultural dialogue.
High education – all about education (formal, non-formal or informal).
In community – a way to promote different communities and their activities. Be it organizational, rural or regional development, it is a demarche to view, encourage and support the development of the communities.
Search research – section dedicated to everything related to innovation, research, Google search (something we do not know).
Know-how – is a section dedicated for useful information for young people.
Instructions for authors:
Articles must respect academic rules of elaboration (TNR format, 1.5 spacing, quotations – all quotation systems are accepted, alignment – Justify).
No ideas will be plagiarized, it is important to respect the rights of original authors.
Articles submitted to European Dignities must not have been previously published elsewhere (magazines, blogs, news websites etc.). We must assure that there is a certain exclusivity in this respect, to prove that we are professionals and that we offer new and trustworthy information.
Articles must be between 2 and 6 pages; they may contain photographs, drawings, as long as their source is provided (artist, website) if they are not elaborated by the author.
Submitted articles will only be accepted after consulting the editorial board, to ensure that they were written with respect to free, innovative and deferent spirit and that they accept promoting the journal’s objectives. We reserve our right to refuse any articles that do not respect these rules.
Each article must enframe into one of the sections mentioned in the journal’s official draft.
All ideas belong exclusively to the authors.
Every article must contain the title, the author’s full name, e-mail address, country, city, institution of affiliation (NGO, university, school, group, community – if available) and a short description of the author highlighting his/her activities.
European Dignities publishes articles which are translated into English. Typescripts in other official languages (German, Spanish, French) are acceptable and may be published (if space allows it).
If an article, once published in European Dignities, will be submitted elsewhere or translated into other languages (websites, blogs, magazines, other online portals), the original source must be mentioned.
All articles, photographs, drawings and ideas concerning the journal will be transmitted to european.dignities@gmail.com.
Ethical rules in elaborating and transmitting typescripts
There will be neither any verbal abuse, insulting or offensive words nor any images or drawings that transmit such messages within the articles’ structure.
We must respect others’ opinions and assure that what we transmit is ethical and indicates an appropriate moral conduct.
Communication with the editorial board and other contributors must be open and cooperative.
Through the ideas transmitted by the authors, we must popularize the best practices of each member’s community, innovating ideas, people with distinguished results, symbolic images and drawings, civilizing attitudes.
Deadlines - European Dignities Issues
The journal will be issued four times a year. Each time, it will be issued on the 20th day of each month, as follows:
20 April
20 July
20 September
20 December
At the beginning of each year (January, February, March), there will be a break period in order to establish the strategies that will be considered for the issues of the following editorial year. Each number of the journal should have maximum of 60 pages.
Deadline for the first issue of the European Dignities Journal: 20.04.2014.
Deadline for article submission (for each number): the 25th of the month preceding the official issues date. For example: if the journal will be issued on the 20th July, the articles must be submitted until the 25th June. Thus, there is a 20 day period for writing and submitting articles to the editorial board.
Sursa: comunicatul de presa si asirys.blogspot.ro