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South East European Youth Network te invita sa aplici pentru training-ul LTS „Do it NATURally” care se va desfasura intre 9-17 mai 2014 in Bosnia si Hertegovina. Deadline aplicatii: 15 aprilie.
Leader Training Seminar for young people interested to gain skills and competences for being successful young leaders of international outdoor volunteering activities, initiatives and projects that support healthy life styles.
The aim of this training course is to provide learning opportunity in an intercultural setting for young people interested to gain skills and competences for being successful young leaders of international outdoor volunteering activities, initiatives and projects that support healthy life styles, using interactive and creative methods of non-formal education.
The training will also be the simulation of the volunteer workcamp.
• Find out what is the real leader, what types of the leader exist and are you one of them
• Revise your knowledge and opinion about volunteering
• Learn how to be successful leader of outdoor volunteering activities
• Learn how to organize workcamp/youth exchange/voluntary activity from a scratch and in practice
• Expand and share your knowledge and sense of interculturality
• Learn the basics of project management in voluntary activities
• Experience and learn how to work in various teams
• Learn how to manage voluntary human resources and what is group dynamic
• Get skillful and confident in effective in communication and conflict resolving
The accommodation, 3 meals per day (according to your diet) and coffee breaks will be provided by organizers.
70% of the total travel costs will be reimbursed for the cheapest way of transport AFTER participant provide us with ALL ORIGINAL TICKETS and required documents.
Contact for questions:
Marinela Sumanjski
E-Mail: training@seeyn.org
Phone: +387 33 242 966
Anunt postat de Suportis.
Suportis reprezinta un parteneriat pentru actiune, lansat cu scopul de a sustine si facilita dezvoltarea continua a tinerilor.