- 1784
Asociatia Team for Youth cauta 4 tineri intre 18 si 25 de ani si un lider de grup, fara limita de varsta, pentru un schimb de tineri in Trabzon, Turcia. Pentru a aplica, trimite un CV, o copie dupa pasaport si cateva randuri in care sa-ti motivezi dorinta de a participa, la email steli@t4uth.ro. Termen limita: 14 aprilie 2014.
Summary of the project:
This multilateral youth exchange is planned to take place between 17-25 May 2014, gathering 30 young people between 18 and 25 years old and 5 youth leaders (no age limit) from Turkey, Lithuania, Bulgaria, Romania, Spain, Slovenia and Slovakia.
The project, Cultures Through Young Eyes, will be a window for the young people to learn and understand the cultures of other countries in the Europe and it will be a good chance to decrease prejudices and racial discrimination. As the most important problem between the young people nowadays are not having chance to know other cultures better and because of it, having some prejudices about the cultures out of theirs, the main themes of the project are art and culture, fighting against discrimination.
Objectives of the project:
- to learn about the cultures, art, music and artistic works through the activities supported by art.
- to suggest the idea of tolerance by creating a dialog environment between cultures.
- to gain new ideas together.
- to learn by doing and living.
- to exchange ideas about probable European Culture through art activities.
- to support youngsters to take initiative and forming groups.
- to develop the emotion of European Citizenship and fight against racial discrimination and prejudices.
Reimbursement: %70 of the travel cost of the participants will be reimbursed by bank transfer after the participants will send all the documents by real post after they return their home. Accommodation and meals will be totally covered by project budget.
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