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Suportis impreuna cu Asociatia Urma sunt in cautarea a 5 tineri romani dornici de a participa in cadrul schimbului de tineri Food Ball, care se va desfasura la Poienesti, jud. Vaslui, in perioada 18-28 mai. Proiectul isi propune sa adune tineri din Romania si Italia pentru a trezi in acestia spiritul unui mod sanatos de viata reprezentat de o alimentatie sanatoasa si practicarea sportului. Deadline inscrieri: 28 aprilie 2014.
Tari participante: Romania si Italia.
Activitati: participantii vor merge mult cu bicicleta, vor gati singuri mancare sanatoasa, vor explora peisaje pitoresti, vor face sport, vor urmari filme impreuna, seri la foc de tabara si multe alte surprize (vezi agenda).
Descriere proiect:
Food Ball aims to put together 24 young people from Romania and Italy in order to address healthy lifestyle, specifically through sport and healthy food. The participants are going to create their own way of living healthy, by experiencing the ways proposed by the others. Every day, the participants are going to cook together and share ideas about traditional and healthy cooking, make sports together, that would generate a routine and help some of the participants discover the positive effects of being active, exercise positive thinking. Besides the activities for their own lifestyle, the participants will work together on proposing ways to encourage healthy behavior among other youngsters from their community and learn about the local production, as a healthy solution for people, economy and environment and discover ways to promote it.
1. Informing 24 young people from Romania and Italy on the importance of a healthy lifestyle.
2. Developing healthy habits among the participants trough healthy diet and physical exercise created by them.
3. Promoting local food production as a healthy habit for the body, economy and environment.
4. Creating a network of young community facilitators that promotes healthy lifestyle.
Pentru mai multe detalii: infopack, agenda si formular de inscriere.
Ioan Cretu – asociatia.urma@gmail.com, +40742576911
Ion Mesca – ion.mesca@gmail.com, +40748508412
Sursa: comunicatul de presa.
Anunt postat de Suportis.
Suportis reprezinta un parteneriat pentru actiune, lansat cu scopul de a sustine si facilita dezvoltarea continua a tinerilor.