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Histoire de Savoirs din Franta organizeaza trainingul Leaders of Change care se va desfasura intre 17-25 mai in localitatea Chateau de Wattignies din Franta. La acest training vor participa tineri din Bulgaria, Germania, Italia, Portugalia, Romania, Slovaia, Spania, Turcia, Marea Britanie si Franta. Deadline aplicatii: 27 aprilie 2014.
The main idea of this training course is to motivate the target group to use sport and physical activity as tools for increasing the active participation of young people in society and to foster social inclusion of youngsters with fewer opportunities.
Main Objectives:
- To develop a common understanding about the concept of active participation and to explore sport and physical activity as instruments for its promotion especially in terms of strengthening social cohesion and mutual understanding;
- To explore how sport and outdoor activities could foster social inclusion and cohesion among the young people
- To equip participants with practical examples of using sport as a tool for increasing active participation and inclusion of young people;
- To explore the concept of Leadership through sport;
- To build up competences of participants in the field of using sport as tool for enhancing inclusion and participation in order to ensure sustainability of the follow- up youth projects.
Lateral objectives:
- To empower participants to act as multipliers in the fields of youth participation in their local communities.
- Exchange of project ideas and best practices in youth work with a special focus on using sport as a tool for participation.
Working methodology:
The program of the course will be based on non formal education, intercultural dialogue and communication and will be conducted using an interactive and participative approach. The processes of learning from each other and learning by doing will be crucial. The training course will stimulate creativity, active participation, and sense of initiative and involvement of the young people in society. Participants' prior experiences in youth work, particularly at local and regional level, will be important and used in the development of the learning process. Active group/team work, role-plays, outdoor activities and plenary discussions, as well as theoretical inputs will characterize the program of the course in order to cover all aspects of the project themes.
The travel costs from your home town to the venue will be covered at 70% up to the following amounts of money.
The 100% of maximum amount for travel costs authorised for coming from your country to Lille is 250 Euros (70% = 175 Euros maximum for reimbursement) for the following counties: Germany, Spain, Romania, Italy, UK. The maximum amount of 300 Euros (210 Euros = 70% maximum for reimbursement) is authorised and available for Bulgaria, Slovakia, Turkey and Portugal.
Board, lodging, local transports from Lille to the venue and back, as well as all materials of the training course will be covered by “Histoire de Savoirs” NGO.
The participants should arrange their own insurance for their travel and stay in France.
A participation fee of 55 Euros is required by each participant payable at the venue in cash.
Anunt postat de Suportis.
Suportis reprezinta un parteneriat pentru actiune, lansat cu scopul de a sustine si facilita dezvoltarea continua a tinerilor.