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Respect Media e o agentie de publicitate cu experienta in publicitatea clasica si online. Din 2006 Respect Media este partener al agentiei de publicitate SERY alaturi de care sunt dezvoltate proiecte atat pentru clientii romani cat si pentru cei din Austria. Ne marim echipa si cautam un Graphic Designer cunoscator de Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign & CorelDraw cu abilitati de comunicare, entuziast si pasionat de publicitate.
Dear Graphic Designer,
So, here you are, another day at the office. Remember how proud you were when you landed this great job? And now? Of course your work is awesome, your colleagues are pretty nice and you got familiar to this place and actually you like the way everybody laughs at your jokes and that the cute new copywriter smiles everytime you pass by.
But, you know what? If you think to yourself that, "wait... I need more time, I need more action and more challenges, I need more flexibility, I need to surround myself with driven, obsessive, determined and passionate creative people, in order for me to grow and thrive", maybe you should come by and say hello, who knows, with our good looks and your awesome talent, we might just have a shot at creating some awesomeness :).
Send your CV, portfolio and the answers to the next 4 questions at sebastianpetrina1@gmail.com*
1. Client: I'm not that crazy about the color for my logo. Can you make it a bright flashy yellow?
Your answer: __________________
2. Client: Why should we buy those pictures? We can use the pictures I took with my iPhone, right?
Your answer: _______________
3. Client: I feel that the campaign design doesn't have constancy, can you add more info and pictures in there?
Your answer: _______________
4. Client: Can you make the logo bigger?
Your answer: _______________
* For us to resonate with you, you have to :
- have 3 years of experience in a similar position
- be best friends with: Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Illustrator, Adobe Indesign & CorelDraw
- include in your portfolio: Branding, Visual Identity, Webdesign, Print Design.
Sursa si locul unde puteti aplica: bestjobs.ro