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Dupa 25 de ani de la evenimentele care au condus la caderea comunismului in Europa, organizatorii campaniei „Freedom Express" pun din nou intrebari referitoare la aceste momente cruciale. Ei le prezinta tinerilor europeni cum arata lumea de ambele parti ale cortinei de fier si ii intreaba ce a mai ramas, dupa parerea lor, din spiritul de comuniune si solidaritate din anul 1989. Astfel, se cauta douazeci de tineri deosebiti cu aceesi varsta ca si libertatea (18-28 ani), creativi, curiosi si plini de pasiune, atat artisti, persoane implicate in activitati sociale cat si studenti ale diferitelor facultati cu profil umanist, care sa exprime prin propria metoda ce inseamna pentru ei evenimentele din `89 si ce impact au asupra realitatii contemporane. Autorii celor mai interesante idei vor face o calatorie de doua saptamani prin sase tari ale fostului bloc comunist, pe urmele evenimentelor care au schimbat fata Europei, in orasele Gdańsk – Varsovia – Budapesta – Timisoara – Sopron – Bratislava – Praga – Berlin. Daca vrei sa fii unul dintre ei, inscrie-te pana pe 30 iunie.
General Information:
Have you ever wondered who you would be if you had been born in the 1970s or ‘80s? What decisions would you have made, if you had grown up at a time when Communism was falling in Europe? Whose side would you have been on in 1989?
Begin your rush to freedom - Express your Freedom!
Negotiate the 21 demands of "Solidarność” with us and take part in the deliberations of the Round Table. Vote for freedom in the elections on the 4th of June, sing the anthem of the Velvet Revolution on Wenceslas Square in Prague, cut through the fences on the border of Hungary and Austria, join the protesters in Leipzig and take down the Berlin Wall. "Freedom Express" is an accelerated course in difficult times, a travelling university and a new approach to history lessons. "Freedom Express" is also a creative confrontation between young people from the former Eastern bloc countries and the spirit of change at the end of the 1980s and the beginning of the 90s.
What is Freedom Express?
Twenty-five years after the spectacular events that led to the collapse of Communism in Europe, find out for yourself what the world looked like on both sides of the Iron Curtain and what has remained of the spirit of that breakthrough. Meet the people who influenced the course of history and visit the places that were its witnesses.
Take part in an international recruitment event and embark with us on a 2-week journey to trace the events that changed the face of Europe. Your logs from the trip - sketches of your own observations, photos, film and audio footage, as well as essays on the transformation – will form the content of the online blog, which will cover the successive stages of the trip as it happens. The result of these actions will also be a documentary, showing a creative interdisciplinary dialogue between young artists and places of memory.
Who are we looking for?
You must be curious and creative, committed and open to the stories of others. We are interested in your free voice and choices and your personal, historic and artistic commentary on the events of 25 years ago. Choose your method of expression and say what the events of the Autumn of Nations mean to you and what impact they have on contemporary reality. Recall stories you have heard, books you have read and witness testimonies and collect the traces of memory in your surroundings. The authors of the most interesting ideas and artistic expressions will be selected by an international group of experts.
Application form, terms and conditions of recruitment and programme details at: www.freedomexpress.enrs.eu
Begin your rush to freedom! Express your freedom!
If you have any questions regarding the content of the application, please contact Anna Kolodziejska at studytrip@enrs.eu
If you encountered a technical problem while filling in the form, please contact our websites team at www@enrs.eu
„Cautam douazeci de tineri deosebiti, cu aceesi varsta ca si libertatea (18-28 ani), creativi, curiosi si plini de pasiune, atat artisti, persoane implicate in activitati sociale, cat si studenti ale diferitelor facultati cu profil umanist” explica Directorul Secretariatului Retelei Europene, Rafał Rogulski. „Vor fi evaluate lucrarile trimise, referitoare la evenimentele din 1989, justificarea candidatilor precum si reusitele lor de pana acum” adauga el. Candidatii vor fi evaluati de catre un juriu international, in cadrul caruia au primit invitatia de participa printre altii: Krzysztof Czyżewski – scriitor, traducator si editor, directorul Centrului „Pogranicze – la granita - artelor, culturilor, popoarelor” din Sejny, Michał Murin – artist-performer din Slovacia, Catherine Hug – critic de arta si curator, colaboratoare permanenta a Kunsthalle Wien din Viena si Lia Perjovschi – artista din domeniul artelor vizuale din Romania. Exepditia va fi insotita in permanenta de o echipa de filmare, care va documenta activitatea participantilor, experientele lor de la intalnirile cu martorii istoriei si emotiile din timpul vizitelor in locurile comemorative.
Nu doar libertatea cuvantului
In afara de tinerii artisti va calatori prin Europa si o expozitie multimedia, care va prezenta diferitele drumuri catre libertate in Europa Centrala si de Est. Pentru prima oara ea va fi prezentata in luna septembrie, in Varsovia, Budapesta si Berlin. In cadrul unei instalatii construite din opt blocuri spatioase vor fi prezentate fotografii, documente precum si alte materiale istorice din anii 1939-1991, cu un accent deosebit pe evenimentele legate de anul 1989. Expozitia va fi gazduita in mai multe tari europene in urmatorii doi ani, iar versiunea ei virtuala va putea fi accesata de asemenea pe pagina de internet a campaniei.
Despre 1989 in arta, adica: www.freedomexpress.enrs.eu
Pentru mai multe detalii accesati: sursa 1, sursa 2, sursa 3.