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29 Jun 2014 - 18 Jul 2014

Program de rezidente in Finlanda

Centrul Creativ Arteles din Finlanda organizeaza unul din cele mai mari programe internationale de rezidente creative /artistice din Scandinavia unde invita si selecteaza peste 90 de artisti vizuali, curatori, muzicieni, scriitori, performeri, fotografi, designeri si arhitecti in fiecare an. Termenul limita pentru aplicatii este 18 iulie.

Arteles Creative Center in Finland is one of the largest and most international creative residencies in Scandinavia, welcoming over 90 selected visual artists/ curators/ musicians/ writers/ performance artists/ photographers/ designers / architects per year.

It is an inspiring place to produce original work and collaborate with other energetic and ambitious artists & creative professionals for a concentrated period of time from 1 to 3 months.

Since 2010 Arteles has welcomed over 330 selected artists & creative professionals from 43 countries to freely explore, experiment & expand their creative practice and thinking, to produce works and to collaborate with other energetic and ambitious artistic minds for a concentrated period of 1 to 3 months.

Artists & creative professionals from the fields of Visual Arts Media & Tech Art | Music & Sound | Performing Arts | Design | Architecture | Literature | Research | Philosophy worldwide are invited to apply for 2015 (Febryuary – September) residencies.

Deadline for applications: 18 July 2014

Read more about current Arteles residents


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