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Revista "Colocvii teatrale" va invita la un moment de reflectie asupra unei noi teme – “Spectacolul intre rigoare si instinct”. Data limita de trimitere a materialelor este 15 decembrie 2014.
Articolele dumneavoastra vor fi publicate in numarul 18 al revistei noastre – numar aniversar ce va marca si 10 ani de existenta in spatiul academic.
Va rugam sa ne trimiteti materialele dumneavoastra (studii de cercetare, articole, recenzii ale lucrarilor din domeniu) in varianta bilingva (romana si engleza), insotite de un rezumat, de asemenea bilingv, si de cuvinte cheie. Articolele vor trece printr-un proces de selectie peer-review, asigurat de specialisti in domeniu.
The magazine “Theatrical Colloquia” invites you to a moment of reflection upon a new theme – “The Dramatic Show between Rigor and Instinct”.
Your articles will be published in the 18th issue of our magazine – the issue which is due to mark our 10 years anniversary in academic research.
We ask you to submit your papers (research studies, articles, reviews of works in the field of theatre), in bilingual form (Romanian and English), along with a summary, also bilingual, and key-words. The deadline for submission is December 15th, 2014.The papers will go through a peer-review selection process which shall be assured by specialists in the domain.
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