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experienta internationala
07 Mar 2016 - 18 Mar 2016

Zilele Europene ale Dezvoltarii - apel inscrieri

Ai intre 21 si 26 si esti preocupat de gasirea de solutii la problemele cele mai presante ale omenirii? Esti gata sa stai in rand cu liderii mondiali la un forum global privind dezvoltarea internationala? Inscrie-te acum si ai sansa sa fii unul dintre cei 16 lideri de tineret care vor participa la editia 2016 a Zilelor Europene ale Dezvoltarii ‪#‎EDD16. Termen inscrieri: 18 martie 2016.

Apply now for your chance to be one of 16 Young Leaders at EDD 2016, speak on a high-level panel, and showcase your development work to global audiences. Young Leaders are also invited to take part in activities and workshops, share their views, draft recommendations and meet with development decision-makers from around the world.

How to apply? Applicants must show leadership and knowledge in one of the EDD 2016 topics, demonstrate expertise in their chosen field, and explain how they will represent young people at the forum.

All expenses for the 16 selected Young Leaders will be covered by the European Commission.

Any questions? Contact


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