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BisRomania cauta 2 participanti pentru proiectul de schimb de tineri Fairy Tales for Us care va avea loc in perioada 07-16 februarie 2014 in Eceabat, Turcia. Deadline inscrieri: 1 februarie 2014.
Conditii de participare:
- participantii trebuie sa aiba varsta cuprinsa intre 18-26 ani;
- se deconteaza 70% din costurile de calatorie in limita a 400 euro;
- cazarea si masa se asigura in proportie de 100%;
- este nevoie PASAPORT pentru a calatori in Turcia;
- se achita catre asociatia de trimitere o taxa de participare si pregatire de 25 euro.
Detalii proiect
This project brings together the youngster from different European countries. The main idea of the project is to create new fairy tales for the children who have separated parents. After writing the fairy tales we are going to make puppets and a theater performance. Non-formal education methods will be used during the project. Aim of the project is to show children that it is not always bad to have separated parents.
Partner countries of the project are: Bulgaria, Romania, Estonia, Greece and Turkey. The length of the project is 9 days. Total number of the participants and leaders is 30. For the activities of the project we are going to use non-formal education methods, puppet making workshop, trips to Canakkale and Troy, energizers, intercultural learning activities, presentation of the Youth in Action Program, future planning and evaluation meetings.
Pentru mai multe informatii si inscrieri: alexandru.paval@gmail.com
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