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O organizatie acredidata SEV din Suedia este in cautare de voluntari europeni pentru un proiect SEV ce va fi depus la noul termen limita din cadrul programului Erasmus+, 17 martie 2014. Stagiul se va derula pe termen lung (1 septembrie 2014 - 31 august 2015) in cadrul Punctului Local Eurodesk din Molndal, Suedia. Data limita pentru trimiterea aplicatiilor este 17 februarie.
Project date September 1st 2014- August 31st 2015
Volunteers apply before FEBRUARY 17 by email to: sopo.gogsadze. mk@molndal. se
Period: 1 September 2014 - 31 August 2015
Duration: 12 months
Volunteer profile: Volunteers should be 22-30 years old. We welcome young people with “fewer opportunities”, from all religions and sexual orientation.
Living arrangements: A shared house within travelling distance from the office. By tram/bus 30-40 mins. The volunteers should be aware that the house is shared and they will need to manage this well.
Financials: Volunteers get a monthly payment around 330‚ per month (including pocket money) that should cover food and leisure activities. Accommodation, local transport, international travel, visa is covered by the Erasmus+ programme.
Placements: 2 placements at Eurodesk contact point, City of MolndalSweden.
EI-number: Because of the new Erasmus+ programme we haven't been able to renew the accreditation during the last year, but we are currently waiting for guidelines from our National agency and the European Commission.
Info for Sending organizations: 10% of the international travel is to be paid by the SO.
Tasks of the volunteers:
The 2 volunteers will work together at the Eurodesk contact point situated in the center of Mölndal. Mölndal is the neighboring city right south of Gothenburg. The volunteers will work with international projects, application and report writing and ongoing administration and economy.
Keeping contact with potential volunteers both sending and hosting and thus partner organizations. In addition we are giving a programme of activities and lectures at the Eurodesk contact point that we are putting together each semester including for example; language course, Sustainable development week, Fund fair, project writing workshops, CV writing workshops and Living library. It is important that the volunteers are able to cooperate and work well together.
The volunteers will also make information sessions and workshops about international youth work for young adults and unemployed young people about the possibilities and advantages of EVS. The project also gives possibilities for the volunteers to take own initiatives and to run own projects. During 4 weeks in the summer the 2 volunteers will be working at Djursjön day summer camp with children and youth. The last period of the EVS will be independent activities of dissemination and exploitation of results (for example film editing, PR materials) and field work.
For your information: We are a well experienced organization used to both sending and hosting EVS. Since 2009 we have hosted over 30 volunteers. The Eurodesk office itself have hosted 8 volunteers. For more information check out the KEKS blog at: www.k-internationellt.blogspot. com
IMPORTANT: To apply kindly send your application to sopo.gogsadze.mk@molndal.se by February 17th.
Send CV + 1 photo + Motivation letter. Your Motivation letter should include your personal motivation for working with young people in the Eurodesk contact point and why you are interested in this particular project.
We will apply for March 17th deadline in the new Erasmus+ programme.
Med vänlig hälsning/ Best regards, Sara Lesch: sara.lesch@molndal. se, International coordinator
Sursa: facebook suportIs