- 2024
Daca esti masterand intr-un program care are tangenta cu Studiile Europene esti invitat intre 1-3 aprilie la Bruxelles intr-o vizita de studiu la Comitetul Regiunilor. Deadline aplicatii: 7 martie 2014.
Would you like to come to Brussels for the April Plenary Session of the Committee of the Regions and witness EU decision-making first hand just before the European Elections 2014?
Then apply now for the 6th edition of the EPP Study Visit for Masters Students.
WHO? European MA students enrolled in courses dedicated to European Studies, Political Science or International Relations?
WHAT? Witness the CoR Plenary Session, meet local and regional politicians and representatives from the European Parliament and Commission, debate matters that are relevant to young people, exchange views and opinions on current EU affairs
WHEN? 1-2-3 April 2014
WHERE? Committee of the Regions, Brussels
WHY? We are convinced that students have to be actively involved in the debate on Europe; especially in the run-up to the European elections in 2014 when many students will be eligible to vote for the first time. Participants will be able to witness EU decision making and learn about the pivotal role of local and regional actors first-hand before casting their vote in the 2014 European Elections.
The deadline for applications: 7 March 2014
Full terms and conditions (PDF).
For more information, please contact eppstudyvisit@cor.europa.eu
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