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A.C.T.O.R. cauta doi voluntari pentru un proiect in Valletta, Malta, in conditiile generale ale Serviciului European de Voluntariat (candidatii trebuie sa aiba intre 18 si 30 de ani si sa fie interesati de o experienta de invatare nonformala in context intercultural). Perioada in care se defasoara proiectul poate sa fie aleasa de voluntari intre luna septmebrie 2014 si martie 2015. Data pana la care se poate aplica este 20 aprilie.
Iata cateva informatii despre activitati:
Fair SHARE – Awareness of Cultural Diversity and Fair Trade
The project aims to promote cultural diversity in Malta by designing and running concrete activities and other projects that are carried out with the public, compromising people from various social and educational backgrounds. In order to achieve this goal, the project makes use of the cultural richness of Fair Trade, and includes asylum seekers and local artists. The EVS volunteers will be helping Koperattiva Kummerċ Ġust raise awareness about development cooperation by organizing public activities such as the WorldFest, informal and non-formal educational activities in schools, youth groups and other community groups and helping in the day-to-day activities of the organization. The coordination of various projects will depend upon the strengthening of networks that already exist between Koperattiva Kummerċ Ġust and partner organizations such as Third World Group and the Forum for Sustainable Issues in particular and many other Maltese organizations.
The project will involve EVS from Italy, Spain, Germany and Romania and each volunteer will stay in Malta for a periods between 4 and 6 months. The volunteers will be working from the main KKG office in Valletta.
Va rugam sa trimiteti - formular de luare in evidenta ACTOR 14 completat in limba engleza pana pe 20 aprilie la adresa actor_romania@yahoo.com.
Cei selectionati vor fi contactati telefonic sau prin email pentru un interviu pe Skype, dupa sarbatorile de Paste.
Sursa: evstrimitere.wordpress.com