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Daca ai intre 18 si 30 de ani si ai o idee originala sau un proiect care sa contribuie la consolidarea notiunii de cetatenie si de a „trai impreuna”, inscrie-te pana pe 5 iunie si participa, intre 28 - 31 octombrie, la Forumul tinerilor cetateni europeni „Nantes Creative Generations”.
What is Nantes Creative Generations?
Nantes Creative Generations (NCG) is a programme set up by Nantes Métropole and the City of Nantes, in partnership with local NGOs, toward young adults between 18 to 30 years old from Nantes and all over Europe. It aims at encouraging and gathering young people involved in original initiatives, innovative projects that help strengthen the notion of citizenship, of «living together». In this way, several actions are proposed throughout the year: Forum, Cooperation award, NCG on Tour.
More information: www.nantescreativegenerations.eu
The Forum is the most important part of Nantes Creative Generations. Each year, it brings together young adults from all Europe in Nantes to debate and share experiences.
During 3 days, participants are invited to :
- present a project
- share good practices
- improve skills on developing project methods
- meet potential partners in order to the develop new projects between different countries, that can be awarded by a Cooperation grant.
- debate with young people from Europe,
- take part to cultural events Program: plenary sessions, workshops, visits, cultural events.
Who can participate?
To apply to the NCG on Forum, you need to:
Be between 18 and 30 years old.
Live in the Nantes metropolitan area or in a Council of Europe member state.
Have an idea or project for “living together”, which promotes solidarity, fosters cultural exchanges and encourages greater respect for and openness towards others, etc.
Reply to the call for application launched every year in the spring.
How to apply?
To apply to the Forum, you simply need to reply to the call for application launched every year in the spring.
The projects selected are chosen by a panel and participants are notified in the early summer.
2015 call for application
The 2015 Forum will take place in Nantes on 28-31 October. You want to join in, fill in the application form online before 5th June !
Useful information
Travel, accommodation and food are paid for by Nantes Métropole (Max. 2 participants per project).
English is the official language of the Forum.
Sursa: nantescreativegenerations.eu