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Scoala de vara UNAOC-EF se va desfasura intre 16 - 23 august 2014 in Tarrytown, New York, reunind 75 tineri din intreaga lume, pentru a aborda provocarile globale actuale, intr-un context de diversitate culturala si religioasa. Programul extrem de interactiv va introduce participantii in esenta cetateniei globale. Prin intermediul diverselor seminarii, workshop-uri si mese rotunde, participantii vor fi provocati la discutii si se vor dezvolta ca lideri in domeniile lor. Deadline inscrieri: 22 aprilie 2014.
Candidates from following field (s): Economics & Business & Management & Finance, History & Anthropology, Human Rights, International Affairs, Military & Security Politics Society.
Skills for positive social change: The highly interactive program will immerse participants in the essentials of global citizenship. Seminars, workshops, and roundtable discussions will challenge participants and increase their impact as leaders in their fields.
A world-class international campus: The UNAOC-EF Summer School will be held on EF’s historic American campus in Tarrytown, New York. Participants will be hosted on the center’s 25-acre campus, which boasts on site residences, student lounges, a fitness center and swimming pool.
A visit to UN headquarters in New York City: One highlight of this year’s Summer School will be a guided tour of the United Nations headquarters in New York City. Participants will tour the General Assembly Hall and explore a variety of exhibits detailing the history of the UN and learn about how the UN addresses issues such as disarmament, peace and security.
In order to be considered eligible to apply, you must fulfill all of the following criteria:
- be between the ages of 18 and 35 years old on 16 August 2014 — the start of the UNAOC - EF Summer School.
- be linked to an organization or a network (e.g. youth council, youth NGO, not-profit organization, youth-led organization, community organization, faith-based organization, youth network or platform, college, university), or be a social entrepreneur, blogger, intern or volunteer.
- hold a passport valid until at least March 2015 (for a visa to be issued, a passport needs to be valid for at least 6 months after the expected date of entry into the country).
- possess upper-intermediate English proficiency. Read a detailed explanation in the previous FAQ.
Selected participants of the UNAOC - EF Summer School 2014 will be provided with the following:
- international travel to and from the international airport closest to their residence. This economy class international ticket will be issued for arrival in New York City on 16 August 2014 and departure on 23 August 2014. The ticket will follow the most direct route between the closest international airport and New York City,
- shared accommodation (double or triple rooms with participants of the same gender) while in Tarrytown,
- meals during the official portions of the Summer School,
- full event access during the entire week of the Summer School,
- shuttles from and to the airport in New York City.
- the cost of US and transit visas (if applicable),
- the cost of vaccinations required to enter the US (if applicable), and
- the cost of medical insurance required to enter the US (if applicable).
Anunt postat de Suportis.
Suportis reprezinta un parteneriat pentru actiune, lansat cu scopul de a sustine si facilita dezvoltarea continua a tinerilor.