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Experienta internationala
15 Aug 2014 - 27 Aug 2014

Seminar E+ in Malta

Acest seminar aduce in Malta potentiali aplicanti din intregul spatiul UE pentru a discuta viitoarele proiecte Erasmus + legate de tematica “Lupta impotriva saraciei si a excluziunii sociale”. Termenul limita pentru a aplica este: 29 august.

In April 2012, President Barroso stated that ‘a Europe combining job creation and social inclusion, where people can gain the skills they need to flourish; a Europe which can benefit from global opportunities’.

In view of this, the MT NA is organising a Contact Making Seminar to promote the Erasmus+ programme as a means to achieve concrete results in the fight against poverty and social exclusion through education. Moreover, the Seminar will also provide participants with the opportunity to discuss and agree to cooperate on projects that could be funded under all key actions of ERASMUS+ which can ultimately help to enhance social inclusion.

This Contact Making Seminar is an opportunity for those involved in the education and social policy fields to exchange ideas of common interest on European and national priorities. It aims at making better use of EU funds to support social inclusion and promote strong innovations in social policy developments.

Participants will:
- Meet representatives and persons working in the field;
- Discuss and analyse strengths and weaknesses of approaches adopted in different member states;
- Explore ways of cooperating and working together on projects tackling inclusive growth namely social inclusion.

References: here and here 


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