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Experienta internationala
24 Jan 2014 - 05 Mar 2014

Training in Franta

Organizatiile L’Ydille Lang si ALP selecteaza participanti pentru programul de traininguri Le.Le. - Learning Leadership, care va avea loc intre 5-11 aprilie 2014, in Dinard, Chateau Hebert, FrantaTrainingul se va axa pe Educatie si Leadership. Cursul este recomandat pentru lucratori si lideri de tineret. Proiectul este finantat de Programul Tineret in Actiune. Costurile sunt acoperite de catre ALP, cu exceptia unei taxe de participare de 100 euro si 30% din costurile de transport. Deadline pentru trimitere aplicatii: 05 martie 2014.


The TC Le.Le. will address learning as a non linear process and leadership as a generative attitude able to create a positive relationship with oneself and others in youth work. It is about personal development through an inner quest of leadership.

The course aims at exploring the connection between leadership and learning as generative engines for self development and community leadership in youth work contexts. 
In particular it will look at how limiting beliefs can boycott the individual attitude towards learning and on how empowering beliefs can resource the individual in his/her quest for inner creativity for leadership. It will provide an opportunity for assessing the youth workers' leadership and learning profile through an analysis of past experiences and their impact on our views to learning and leadership. It will offer also a coached experience of going out of the comfort zone to unleash the generative power of creating rapport with the others and to afford the experience of unlearning. 
As a result of their participation in the course the participating youth workers will have identified their key questions to address in their quest for learning leadership as an ongoing non linear process.

Detalii referitoare la training si aplicatie, aici.


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