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Asociatia Super Tineri Asirys cauta 3 participanti pentru trainingul Youth for more Gender Equality in the World care se va desfasura in Bakuriani, Georgia, în perioada 23 februarie - 1 martie 2014. Data limita pentru trimiterea aplicatiei este 26 ianuarie.
Pentru a aplica este nevoie:
1. sa trimiteti o prezentare personala impreuna cu o fotografie,
2. sa propuneti si sa realizati cel putin o activitate de voluntariat, la alegere, in cadrul organizatiei noastre (atentie: voi sunteti cei care aleg/propun activitatea de voluntariat, iar aceasta trebuie realizata inainte de a pleca in proiect),
3. sa trimiteti un plan de implicare in diseminarea/promovarea rezultatelor proiectului, ce va fi implementat dupa ce va veti intoarce in tara.
Adresa la care trebuie sa ne trimiteti aplicatia este voluntarasirys@gmail.com.
- inainte de aplica, asigurati-va ca stiti ce presupune un proiect international, in acest sens cititi cu atentie detaliile despre proiect (mai jos) si acest articol;
- daca vor fi mai multe solicitari, ii vom alege pe cei mai activi aplicanti, totusi daca ati realizat activitati, veti primi un anumit punctaj care va va asigura un loc in alte proiecte pentru care veti aplica;
- organizatia noastra nu percepe niciun fel de taxa de participare; cazarea si masa sunt asigurate 100%, iar transportul va fi decontat in proportie de 70% de catre organizatia din Georgia;
- dupa finalizarea trainingului veti completa un formular de evaluare a proiectului si veti implementa activitatile de diseminare pe care ni le-ati propus.
Detalii despre proiect:
The project is open for 7 countries: Romania, Italy, Greece, Georgia, Azerbaijan, Turkey and Ukraine.
Experiences on gender issues are different for each country. We will exchange informations about gender situation in our own country and discuss about the problems we have met/meet in order to find new solutions. We will discover how gender issues give new opportunities in youth work.
The project will occur under understanding and tolerance according to the cultural, social and religious diversity we represent. We will get to know each other and break down our stereotypes. We will build a great international network on gender issues, involving the youth of these countries who share this same interest.
The project will use different methods of non-formal education: work-shops, presentations, work in groups, meetings.
The experienced trainer will enable the active participation of the participants.
● Bring some gastronomic specialities (food and/or drinks) to share with others during intercultural evening. Please do not bring too much, and note that it may not be possible to cook or heat food.
● At the end of the project, the participants are expected to come up with concrete ideas of activities that THEY will be implementing in their communities with their organizations when they come back from the training course. This could be a workshop on gender issues, story-telling on what they gained during the training, ideas for gender-mainstreaming policy in the organization or why not a declaration to the parliament.
Participant profile:
● You are:
- working in gender issues and are interested in women's rights,
- able to participate on the whole duration of the training: from 23/02 to 02/03/2014 (travel included),
- able to communicate in English.
Each partner will send 3 participants per country, no age limit, 24 participants in total.
The participants will be hosted in the mountain resort Bakuriani, Georgia. Images of the place can be found HERE.
“Bakuriani Hills" Hotel offers all the equipments you need: all its rooms are equipped with conveniently arranged baths and WCs, refrigerators, LCD TV sets with a satellite antenna, interior telephone and Internet communication. As for the hygienic standards, the skilled personnel are responsible for ensuring round-the-clock warmth and cleanness in the hotel.
The hotel has a dining room with a fireplace, safe ski storages, a laundry and drying room. The first floor accommodates a meeting facility.
Bakuriani is a small town in Georgia near Borjomi (30km). Borjomi is well known for its hot sulfur spring and its national protected area. Bakuriani is a skiing resort in Trialeti range at around 1700m.
The temperature in January is around -7°C, TAKE WARM CLOTHES !!!The place is well known for snow activities. So you will find over there all facilities you need.
Sursa: asirys.blogspot.ro
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