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Asociatia Support for Youth Development anunta selectia a 3 tineri pentru a participa la trainingul international Colors of Culture intre 23-30 martie 2014 in Prokuplje, Serbia. Deadline inscrieri: 28 ianuarie (pe principiul primul confirmat, primul selectat).
Conditii de participare:
- varsta minima de participare este 18 ani pentru acest eveniment
- se deconteaza 70% din costurile de calatorie. Costul de transport pana in Macedonia variaza intre 150 si 320 euro dus-intors
- se asigura in proportie de 100% cazarea, masa si materialele pentru proiect
- se achita catre asociatia de trimitere o taxa de participare si pregatire de 200 lei
- nu este nevoie de viza sau pasaport pentru a calatori in Macedonia (vezi www.mae.ro)
- participarea este certificata Youth Pass.
Content and aim
Training Course “Colours of Culture” is about use of creative tools (song and video art) in
combating discrimination and social exclusion of Roma youth, as well as fighting for the
viability of their problems, but also through our project we want to promote solidarity and
equality of all people, regardless of their national, cultural, religious, sexual and other
differences. The implemented activities and applied methods: non-formal way of learning through
creative singing, creative activities and learning sessions. This includes: games, team
building exercises, ice-breakers, individual and group activities, creating a play, work on
practical examples in a small groups, workshops for singing and acting, making public
performance as a product of our TC. All these activities have the aim to promote solidarity, cooperation, and creativity in youth work and in fighting discrimination, violence and social exclusion.
The TC will be realized in Prokuplje, Serbia with 30 participants (three participants per
country) from: Montenegro, Kosovo, Macedonia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Portugal, Malta,
Romania, Slovenia, Italy and Serbia.
The venue, Prokuplje
Prokuplje is administrative, economic and cultural centre of the Municipality and the
Toplica region. It is situated at south of Serbia, at river Toplica middle course, on the 43
24’of northern latitude and 21 19’ of eastern longitude at 255m above the sea level. Toplica
region covers 2.230 square kilometres and Municipality of Prokuplje 759km2. According to
the last census from 2002 year there were 48.501 inhabitant in Prokuplje Municipality and
27.673 inhabitants in town itself, with average 64 inhabitants per square kilometre. Toplica
region belongs to Rodopi mountain chain, the oldest mountain chain on Balkan Peninsula,
and Dinara mountain chain.
Accommodation and catering
We will be accommodated in the Hotel Skadarlija-1.
Travel cost
We will reimburse 70% of the travel cost basis of the cheapest possibilities, e.g. second
class railway tickets, APEX-flights etc. by bank transfer after the training and the receipt of
all ORIGINAL tickets, bills, invoices, receipts, boarding tags/cards etc. Following the guide
lines of the YiA programme the travel back must be realised by the participants on direct
way within maximum 2 days. In case of longer stays or indirect travelling (holiday travel
etc.) there is no chance of reimbursement of travel costs. Missing tickets will not be
reimbursed. Please, keep the original tickets in order to get money back. Up to 6th March
2014 send us the details about the person coming: name, gender, age, place and time of
the arrival and departure.
Note: Please send copies (scans) of all tickets and invoices and email them to
project.team.prokuplje@gmail.com before attending the training. This will be very helpful
to organizers to begin processing the financial and reimbursement data so that all
payments may be made as efficiently as possible.
IMPORTANT: Please RESERVE the tickets, but DO NOT BUY them before
consulting with the organisers.
How to reach Prokuplje by Plane:
From the airport Nikola Tesla to the ''Zeleni Venac'' goes bus number 72, which runs on this
line every forty minutes. Ticket price for city bus is 150 RSD RSD = 1.31 euro.
Bus ticket you could buy at the kiosk next to the airport, look for the Bus Plus with the
addition of two runs.
The domestic currency is the RSD (Dinar). The dinar exchange rate in relation to the euro is
constantly changing. You can exchange money in any bank, and exchange office too.
Preparation and International Evening
To facilitate the exchange of experiences and good practice, please bring with you any
material you consider useful (e.g. photos, videos, newspapers, reports etc.) Please bring
along suitable clothes including clothes for rain. For the Intercultural evening we ask you to
bring something which represents how your culture relates to other cultures (e.g. a poem,
an object, a song, a fairytale, a dance, a game, etc. - so something that explains how your
culture deals with other cultures). Feel free to bring a culinary specialty (food or drink)
from your culture as well. It should be something that does not need to be cooked.
Working language:
English – all participants must be able to actively communicate using English language.
We’re looking forward to hosting you in Serbia in March and until that time we will answer
all the questions you might have. In such case, please contact:
Pentru inscrieri sunati la 0728-860568 (orar 10.00-20.00) sau solicitati detalii suplimentare la part3.s4yd@ymail.com (in ordinea aceasta).
Sursa: pagina facebook Support for Youth Development
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