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20 Feb 2014 - 28 Feb 2014

Workshop pentru tinerii curatori

Pana pe 28 februarie, tinerii curatori de pana in 35 de ani pot aplica pentru un workshop in Berlin organizat in cadrul celei de a opta editii a Bienalei de Arta Contemporana. Workshopul va avea loc intre 24 mai si 2 iunie, costurile privind transportul si cazarea fiind asigurate de organizatori.

Berlin Biennale: Young Curators Workshop | international call for applications from young curators (under 35 years) with some experience in curating. 10-12 young curators will be selected for a c. 10 days workshop in Berlin, organised in connection with the 8th Berlin Biennale.

Deadline for applications: February 28, 2014.


Berlin is a powerful and attractive hub for artists and young curators from all over the world and thus an extremely vibrant production site for creators of culture. The Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art, being held for the eighth time from May 29 till August 3, 2014, will present an embracing recap of these creative energies.

The Berlin Biennale/KW Institute for Contemporary Art in cooperation with the Goethe-Institut e.V., Munich, the Allianz Cultural Foundation, and BMW will take this core event in contemporary art and the reflection of its process of emergence as an occasion to strengthen the initiative of young curators worldwide by organizing a workshop for a group of 10–12 young aspirants in this field.

10–12 young international curators will be selected for this workshop. The participants shall carry initial experience in exhibition curating and the group of participants shall ideally be representing a wide variety of countries and continents. Applications must arrive no later than February 28, 2014. In March a jury will then choose the candidates to participate in the workshop.

The Young Curators Workshop is planned to take place May 24 to June 2, 2014; however, the exact dates can be subject to change. Flight and accommodation will be covered by the 8th Berlin Biennale/KW Institute for Contemporary Art.

Application conditions:

- Language: Candidates must be fluent in English (passive and active). The workshop will be held in English thus candidates must be able to give short presentations in English

- Age: Applicants must be no older than 35 years

- Experience: Candidates must have experience in curating art exhibitions

Image: Andreas Angelidakis, Crash Pad, Installation view, 2014. Courtesy: Andreas Angelidakis and The Breeder, Athens/Monaco. Photo: Uwe Walter Crash Pad is the first commissioned work of the 8th Berlin Biennale for Contemporary Art. The room installation opened in January 2014 as a preliminary statement of the 8th Berlin Biennale.


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