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Asia-Europe Foudation anunta lansarea celui de-al treilea apel pentru propuneri de proiecte prin reteaua creativa a fundatiei - ‘ASEF Creative Networks’. Aceasta initiativa recunoaste retelele culturale ca un important mecanism de incurajare a colaborarilor dintre cele doua regiuni si a consolidarii cooperarii in sectorul cultural. Termenul limita pentru trimiterea aplicatiilor este 15 august.
ASEF announces the launch of its 3rd open call for proposals through ‘ASEF Creative Networks’, an initiative that recognises cultural networks as an important mechanism to encourage bi-regional collaborations and reinforce cooperation in the cultural field.
Through this initiative, ASEF seeks to strengthen its role as a connector between cultural networks in Asia and Europe.
ASEF welcomes proposals from Asian and European cultural networks for activities such as capacity building workshops, mapping of good practices, expansion of Asian or European networks to the other region, among others. Proposed projects should take place between 1 April and 30 November 2016.
Multilateral projects that engage as many partners and participants as possible from the 51 ASEM member countries and which favour effective, long-term cooperation are particularly encouraged.
The submission deadline is 15 August 2015.
Download submission guidelines
This call supports artistic and cultural networks. If you are not a network and are interested in developing artistic collaborations, please refer to the call of Creative Encounters.
If you are looking for project partner, please visit Find a Partner, a space where cultural organisations across Asia and Europe can find each other.
Sursa: asef.org