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Nivel cariera: 
20 Sep 2014 - 31 Oct 2014

Call for films

Hungarian Contemporary Architetcure Centre face un apel pentru inscrierea la a 7-a editie a Budapest Architecture Film Days ce va avea loc in martie 2015. Termenul limita pentru trimiterea materialelor este 31 octombrie 2014.

Do you have a film on architecture or the city? Send it to us! The Budapest Architecture Film Days is now accepting submissions for its 7th edition to be held in Budapest in March 2015.

We are looking for works in all genres, forms and lengths related to design, architecture and built environment. Entry is free.

The mission of the film festival is to generate a dialogue between architectural practice that finds inspiration in cinema, and cinema borrowing its subjects from architecture and the city.

For more information about the festival please visit For related questions please contact

Please find the steps of submitting a film below:

1 – Fill out the form

2 – Send your film via an online file-transferring platform (dropbox, wetrasfer, etc.) to


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