Nivel cariera: 
calatorie la sediul NATO
07 May 2014 - 18 May 2014

Concurs de infografice despre NATO

Esti graphic designer? Vrei sa incerci sa lucrezi cu instrumente de creare a infograficelor online? Spune-ne Ce este NATO sub forma unui infografic si ai o sansa sa castigi o calatorie la NATO. Castigatorii vor fi desemnati pe baza creativitatii, calitatii si popularitatii. Deadline: 18 mai 2014.

Think you can answer the question ‘What is NATO?’ in an infographic? Focus on NATO’s history, membership, operations & missions, capabilities, values  …or just about anything you want! Winner(s) will be selected based on creativity, quality, and popularity – so have your friends vote & share!

Not an infographic-making expert? No problem! Check out the free tools recommended in the articles below, or simply use Google to find them!

Description of Ideal Candidate:

This contest is open to individuals aged 18 years and above, of any nationality. Only one individual is eligible to win, per entry. In the case of multiple creators, the individual named on the submission will be eligible to win.


Spend a day at NATO! Join the NATO Social Media team, tour the NATO studio, meet NATO officials and more!
Includes round-trip flights to Brussels, Belgium and accommodation.


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