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Comisia romano-americana anunta competitia anuala pentru Premiile Fulbright Senior Postdoctoral acordate profesorilor, cercetatorilor si profesionistilor romani care au terminat un doctorat sau au o certificare echivalenta. Granturile sunt disponibile pentru cercetare si/ sau predare in universitati din SUA. Programul Fulbright Senior Postdoctoral asigura transportul international, asigurare in caz de accident/ boala si o suma lunara care acopera inclusiv costurile de cazare si masa. Termenul limita pentru a aplica: 4 noiembrie 2013.
Eligible Fields: any field, except clinical medicine and other clinical disciplines.
Grant duration: 3 - 6 months.
Applicants must meet the following criteria:
- hold Romanian citizenship; green card holders and persons with dual (Romanian and U.S.) citizenship are ineligible;
- hold or expect to receive a PhD or equivalent (certified) in a relevant area before departure to the U.S.;
- show a proficiency in English corresponding to the proposed research or teaching project; a TOEFL score is not necessary; interviews will be conducted in English.
- Each applicant will be required to submit:
- - an online application form;
- - a detailed statement of proposed activity for research and/or lecturing at a U.S. university, uploaded to the online application;
- - three letters of reference*, submitted through the online application system by university professors and/or other acknowledged Romanian or foreign professionals;
- - a photocopy of the PhD diploma e-mailed to office@fulbright.ro;
- Please refer to the complete online application instructions HERE.
- Selection Steps:
- - applications are pre-screened;
- - the assessment of the projects is performed by Fulbright alumni and leading Romanian and U.S. scholars in the respective fields of knowledge;
- - the applicants recommended by reviewers will be invited to an interview carried out by a bi-national panel, in January, 2014;
- - the nominated finalists are subject to final approval by the Foreign Scholarship Board (FSB)
- Notes:
- - applicants are strongly encouraged to attach invitation letter(s) from potential U.S. host institution(s) that must be provided by mid December, 2013;
- - documents will not be returned; only online applications will be accepted.
*Applicants are advised to encourage their referees to provide online recommendations following the instructions included in the online application; recommendations as hardcopies are also accepted as an alternative – these should be sent to the Romanian-U.S. Fulbright Commission, Ing. N. Costinescu Street No. 2, 011878, Sector 1, Bucharest no later than November 4th, 2013 (postmarked);
For further details, please send your inquiries to office@fulbright.ro
Sursa: fulbright.ro