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TVEbiomovies 2014 este un concurs video care invita orice persoana, de orice varsta, din orice tara sa creeze un scurt-metraj de 1 minut despre mediu din cele sapte categorii inscrise in concurs. Autorii celor mai votate filme din fiecare categorie vor primi premii in bani. Data limita: 25 august 2014, 23.00 GMT.
Tuesday June 24: tve’s annual film competition tvebiomovies launches today at www.tve.org/biomovies. Filmmakers and animators across the planet are invited to submit creative and cutting edge treatments for one minute videos about the environment. YouTube users are the target and nine shortlisted entrants will receive funding to produce their films.
Tvebiomovies, now in its fifth year, is inviting proposals from amateur and established film-makers in three languages: French, Russian, and English. Entrants have a choice of three individual categories this year challenging them to think creatively about alternative energy, protecting the world’s natural environment, and bamboo and rattan and the vital roles these play in a sustainable future.
All proposals will need to be submitted by the deadline of 25 August 2014. A judging panel will then pick the 9 best film ideas to go into production before uploading onto the tvebiomovies website in October.
The shortlisted films will be screened in Pyeongchang, Korea during the Convention on Biological Diversity’s COP 12 in October 2014. Finally the films in each category which attract the most YouTube views by 15 December will each receive a US$1,500 prize.
“We’re looking for films that will engage global audiences with the environmental challenges we face today, throughout the world. We don’t mind how you tell your story–it can be animation, drama, documentary or music. Your proposals can be funny, angry, sad or straight reportage… all we ask is you send us a range of ideas that are new, exciting and pertinent. We want you to entertain and engage others,” says tve’s Matilda Mitchell, who runs the competition.
“Last year we received 565 proposals from 71 countries – and we are aiming for even more this time,” says Cheryl Campbell, tve’s executive director. “For the past four years, with the generous backing of our donors, tvebiomovies has produced inspiring and engaging short films about a huge range of environmental challenges, which have been viewed more than 3.5 million times. We want this year’s films to live up to the standards set by our filmmakers to date – we are looking for surprising and original productions which engage a YouTube audience.”
To submit a proposal, log on to www.tve.org/biomovies and choose one of three categories: (i) The INBAR Prize for bamboo and rattan (ii) The European Bank for Reconstruction and Development Renewable Energy Prize (iii) The WWF-UK Prize for a World with a Future
Proposals, which can be written in English, French or Russian, must be submitted by 23.00 GMT 25 August 2014.
If your proposal is one of the nine shortlisted by the judges, you’ll need to get your film to us by 14 October 2014. The films in each category with the most YouTube views between 16 October and 15 December will be awarded US$1,500.
Visit www.tve.org/biomovies to enter tvebiomovies 2014.
Sursa: comunicatul de presa