- 2007
Intre 13 - 15 iunie 2014 in localitatea Bitola din Macedonia va avea loc prima editie a Summit-ului Balcanic pentru dezvoltare durabila unaVision cu motto-ul „Let`s create our future”. Evenimentul este coordonat international de catre ThinkCamp si organizat de asociatiile locale: Center for sustainability and advanced education, PREDA plus Foundation for Sustainable Economic Development, Youth Cultural Center – Bitola, Asidus si coordonatorul national Balkania. Toti doritorii sunt invitati sa se inscrie.
Mai multe detalii aici.
The First Balkan Summit 2014 for sustainable development with the motto “Let`s create our future!” will be the first event of this kind in the region. It will bring together actors within the sustainable development movement from Macedonia, neighbouring countries and the rest of Europe. People come together to share their knowledge, stories and visions and may start co-creating projects.
- interested people who like to learn and become active;
- people as individuals or part of an organisation from all sectors who are already working actively in a field related to sustainable development (social, ecological, food, housing, tourism, energy, etc.);
- entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs who want to create new services and products in their field;
- NGOs and non-profit organisations, educational, research and science fields, from government agencies, associations, foundations, industry and service.
The number of people is not as important as the quality and motivation of the people. We invite people to join from Macedonia, the Balkan countries, the rest of Europe and the world!
- creating a common vision for a sustainable future;
- getting to know each other;
- sharing stories and knowledge;
- co-creating ideas for common projects and prototyping them;
- gaining knowledge on tools, methods and green skills.
- film clips about people and their stories;
- prototypes of projects and visions in different formats (such as a piece of art, theatre performances, constellations, graphics, drawings, models, poetry, stories, songs);
- a film documentary on the Vision Walk and Balkan Summit;
- a written booklet on the people, their stories, visions and the results of the Summit.
We would like to make the Balkan Summit accessible for everybody. There is no participation fee. You only contribute 1.000 Denars (~17 €) for the food. This includes the lunches for Saturday and Sunday. The other cost will be covered by sponsors. Your sponsorship is welcome.
For your accomodation please contact Nicola. You can calculate per night 500 Denars (~8,00 €) for a dormitory bed or 750 Denars (12,50 €) in a 2 or 3 bed room apartment. Please refer to Nikola - Aries Travel Agency for the booking of a room:
Aries Travel Agency
Phone +389 47 224 155
Mobile +389 70 269 251
Anunt postat de Suportis.
Suportis reprezinta un parteneriat pentru actiune, lansat cu scopul de a sustine si facilita dezvoltarea continua a tinerilor.