- 2020
British Council Iasi doreste sa recruteze un profesor de limba engleza, freelancer, care sa se alature echipei. Daca ai un certificat Cambridge CELTA sau TEFL, experienta de predare intr-o paleta larga de cursuri si niveluri si un certificat care sa ateste nivelul C2 de limba engleza, trimite CV-ul tau impreuna cu o scrisoare de intentie si copii scanate dupa certificate la adresa bc.iasi@britishcouncil.ro pana luni, 30 iunie.
The role involves:
• promoting and ensuring quality teaching and effective learning of English and Skills through English;
• supporting the wider aims of the British Council and its cultural relations mission;
• promoting the British Council Romania and the British Council Romania's reputation, including support for the British Council's Child Protection Policy.
Desired Skills and experience
• Teachers of English will hold the Cambridge CELTA or Trinity Certificate TEFL and have teaching experience in a wide range of courses and levels, including experience of teaching groups of young learners. You will also have a certified C2 level of proficiency.
• If you are interested in this opportunity, please send your CV, a covering letter and scanned copies of your teaching qualification certificates to bc.iasi@britishcouncil.ro by the 30th of June 2014
Sursa: bestjobs.ro