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Asociatia Support for Youth Development anunta selectia a 5 persoane pentru a participa la schimbul de tineri Build Europe Together, care se va desfasura intre 1-9 martie in Shkoder, Albania. Deadline inscrieri: 30 ianuarie (pe principiul primul confirmat, primul selectat).
Conditii de participare:
- varsta minima de participare este 18 ani pentru acest eveniment
- se deconteaza 70% din costurile de calatorie. Costul de transport pana in Albania variaza intre 180 si 330 euro dus-intors
- se asigura in proportie de 100% cazarea, masa si materialele pentru proiect
- se achita catre asociatia de trimitere o taxa de participare si pregatire de 100 lei
- nu este nevoie de viza sau de pasaport pentru a calatori in Albania (vezi www.mae.ro)
- participarea este certificata Youth Pass
Pentru inscrieri sunati la 0728-860568 (10.00-20.00) sau solicitati detalii suplimentare la part3.s4yd@ymail.com, in ordinea aceasta).
Information about the project
The Youth exchange project “Building Europe Together” will aim to promote active citizenship and social inclusion through promotion of youth participation at local and European level. It will enhance solidarity among young Europeans and youngsters with fewer opportunities by providing to them an environment to share experiences and exchange information. The objective is to teach participants "active citizenship" concept through active participation and build Europe of the future where all citizens actively participate. On this event will improvise and build main EU institutions through following activities:
- all together participant will form the “EU Parliament” and through practical exercises they will get to know functioning of EU Parliament and will be motivated to actively participate into 2014 EU parliamentary elections.
- The steering board compound from group leaders will form the “Council of EU” and will prepare for implementation of projects aims and objectives and ground rules.
- Each participating country will select one representative to form the “European Commission” which will work to realize project activities which includes: Workshops on active citizenship, activities on EU topics, integration games, international cultural events, excursions, and sports activities which will enable participants to be active and develop new skills for better understanding Europe and the diversity of European cultures, traditions, and people, especially of the hosting country, Albania.
The event enables a real understanding of the EU institutions gives a perspective of integration and social inclusion and creates lasting supranational links of friendship between the participants. It provides an opportunity for youth active participation stimulating integration, innovation where each participants will feel as organizers and as participant. This youth exchange will bring together during 1-9 March 2014 in Shengjin Albania, youngsters from SEE, EU and Turkey.
Objectives and Priorities
The primary work objective is focused to promote active citizenship and youth participation at the local level, and facilitate youth employment through youth mobility and voluntarism. Considering the poor information and only at theoretical level about EU institutions, this youth exchange will introduce youngsters about the core values of participation as active citizens and social inclusion through volunteer contribution and its importance to their personal and community development. We want to increase active participation of young people with fewer opportunities. The activities of the project aim at tackling the active citizenship, foreseen in the 2013 as European Year of citizens, making young people aware of the reality and problem they face. Participants will gain more practical skills on European Institutions getting encouraged to participate in 2014 European Parliamentary Elections, sharing knowledge and best practices, learning different cultures and traditions. All the objectives are closely linked to the ones of the YiA programme.
Practical information
Participants profile: We expect to have a multicultural environment where will be invited participants from SEE, EU and Turkey having in mind that the diversity will be respected. We expect to have young people aged 18-25 years old who are motivated and wish to work actively with young people in European projects. Youngsters with fewer opportunities, social problems are encouraged to be part of our project. Participants should be active during the whole event and they should be able to enter in new Partnerships.
Expenses According to the Youth Program funding rules participants will get reimbursed their travel expenses up to 70% by using the cheapest means of transport. The full board for participants during whole journey in Albania will be covered by organisers. Participants are requested to save all their travel expenses receipts and boarding passes which should be present during the event. They will get reimbursed upon the presentation of all their tickets and request for travel reimbursement or by Bank transfer as soon as they will send their original return tickets.
The local currency in Albania is LEK which is 1 Euro = 140 lek
The meeting will be held at “Rafaelo” Hotel near Adriatic seaside in North Albania 45 km away from Tirana. They will be accommodated in shared rooms. The hotel is a nice place and it offers internet connection at each room and as well wireless in all environments around. Participants are requested to take sportive cloths as far as sport activities will be organised.
More info about the hotel participants can find here.
Arrivals, participants shall inform their arrival details and city where they are expected to arrive and organisers of the event will give all necessary detailed information how to reach the venue of the activity or to pick them up at the nearest point with the venue of the event. The venue of the meeting is 49 km away from Tirana airport or 45 minutes drive! The organisers will offer and help to create a familiar environment try to satisfy all requests, needs and expectation of participants!
For more information please do not hesitate to contact with more question at our email address: irsh_director@yahoo.com
Address: L:Qemal Stafa, Rr: Daut Borici, 874 Shkoder Albania Zip Code 4001 Tel +355666065568
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