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Iti place Japonia? Esti foto sau videojurnalist? Calatoreste, impartaseste experientele si promoveaza Japonia! Te poti inscrie la acest stagiu de 6 saptamani pana la 1 septembrie.
We'll evaluate applicants on how well they get involved with the site: if you can contribute, why not submit an article, photo story, translation or video to JapanTravel?
There are plenty of ways to get involved: commenting, sharing, referring and voting is all tracked and rewarded, so don't forget to include your JapanTravel username on your application (Q11), and don't forget to sign up to JapanTravel.com.
Opportunity is about: Arts & Design, Theater & Video & Photography, Tourism
Eligibility: Recent graduate or current photojournalist student. Demonstrated writing and photographic talent (e.g. blog/portfolio) or video skills (in the case of video journalists). Over 20 years old, possess valid passport and be eligible for a visa.
What we are looking for:
Photojournalists (6 weeks) - Capture images and write short stories, Articles (1-2 per day) OR Photo Stories (2-3 per day), Opportunities in marketing, sales, community and content projects in Tokyo.
Video Journalists (6 weeks) - Planning, researching locations, shooting and producing video, Produce video stories (2-3 minute fully-edited clip every 2 days), Help grow our YouTube community, Opportunities in marketing, sales, community and content projects in Tokyo.
What we provide:
Basic itinerary: Start and finish in Tokyo, visit to Osaka and neighbouring prefectures
Either reimbursed or partner accommodation in Tokyo, Shared apartment in Osaka, Opportunity for hotel assignments (subject to availability), Food not covered (but occasionally provided e.g. on assignments)
Transport: Maximum of 1000 yen/day public transport coverage reimbursed by JapanTravel.com, (subject to article quota met and submission of receipts).
Support: Supervised by JapanTravel.com Content Manager and Regional Partner, Bilingual phone support from Tokyo in case of emergency, Help with hospitalisation in case of accident/sickness (you are responsible for your own, travel insurance)
Printer, Internet and telecoms facilities at our Tokyo office, Wireless modem available on request, Regular contact and feedback from supervisors.
What you provide: Roundtrip airfare (if not provided when out of stock), airport connections, travel documents. Inter-city travel, food, entry fee for attractions.
Sursa si locul unde puteti aplica: heysuccess.com